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mmm tasty lookin' babies ya got there.

been raining here lately. pots growing mushrooms. lol.

time to do some cider vinegar and water treatment. spray spray.
plants and pods are all looking great, Nate.
Just wondering, you know you can post 4 pictures per post, right? I just was wondering since there tends to be one picture per posts. Or is it your secret way of upping your post count??? :lol:

I'm using the grow bags this season also, but I don't have a mulch on them. I've been keeping that in mind, might need to later in the season, but for now, nature is watering everything just fine. :(
JUst got a real nice oscillating Fan installed over the seedlings

it sure is moving the air around and seedlings seem to be really liking it!
Does the fan stimulate growth? What does it do for the plants. Maybe I should get one??...
Nice porch pods! Are you going to gorilla garden when they get to big for the porch? Yum ripe pods. :mouthonfire:
Thanx, Hahhaa yeah i'll swing from plant to plant pickin pods. actually im not even sute what gorilla gardening is. i have been pinching bS pod's waiting patiently for a nice tall canopy!

mmm tasty lookin' babies ya got there.

been raining here lately. pots growing mushrooms. lol.

save some for me is a big

Looking quite lovely their Nate. Is that Trinidad Congo pepper a big one?
I don't believe it is a big as your pods my plant is stil small but putting on BIG PODS on a compact plant soo if i grew this plant taller i bet the pods would be much larger as well.

plants and pods are all looking great, Nate.
Just wondering, you know you can post 4 pictures per post, right? I just was wondering since there tends to be one picture per posts. Or is it your secret way of upping your post count??? :lol:

u just let out my secret :)
I'm using the grow bags this season also, but I don't have a mulch on them. I've been keeping that in mind, might need to later in the season, but for now, nature is watering everything just fine. :(

yeah i like the mulch for appearance and during high heats like righ now in florida over 100 like every day the mulch i believe helps protect the soil a bit from the sun and keeps from more frequebnt watering.
Does the fan stimulate growth? What does it do for the plants. Maybe I should get one??...

no questions asked get one. the wind will make the water dissipate in your medium faste rsoo keep an eye on your watering at first when using the fan. other than that don't beat them up tooo much with the fan just enough to release that stuff cellulose or something that stiffens the branches and all def get it noah said it perfectly
Butch T Scorpion

my first ever ripening Scorpion Pod. the tails on them seem to be flat like a beaver or something but i still se new pods coming on with good stingers either way i am happy very pimpley it seems too not too long till i try my first ripe sorp yeahh boy!
uhhh..... the butch t is ruthless.

i have video too of me and my buddies first try. woww it seemed to dig deep. burn when i thought the burn was at climax it seem to be trying to dig in deeeper to roof of mouth tongue. very brutal the one good thing is it had good flavor and extreme aromatic familiar with the chinense also i just tried my first ripe brazillian starfish bacatum. and evry one who had one saID IT WAS THE BEST PEPPER THEY EVERY HAD I think due to the very pleasant sweetness and almost too mild of heat for e but some people said it was hot i didnt htink soo but i liked the flavor all around i will try another soon an try and find its average heat. and thats it.