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Not ripe superhots

Is it possible to take the super hots off the tree prematurely and place them in a paper bag with a apple to get them to ripen and hopefully save some seeds. What does everyone think.
Might make them change color, but don't see the seeds maturing... I'm sure if ya let us know what you talking about.... someone will have seeds for them.
I would cut open one of the fruits and look inside to see if the seeds ere already viable( to contrary belief, seeds may already be viable in "unripe" fruit). You MAY have luck, as they need to be pretty late in thei developement( full pod size). Once I got seeds from some turkush peppers which are only sold green by using that technique, though the germination rate isn´t that high( about 30-60 percent).
Another method would be to cut the whole plant at the base and hang them upsidedown in your house,
the plant will know that its end has come and will put all of its remaining power in the fruits, but that might be a bit risky.
my understanding is that the pod must show signs of color change for it to finish ripening off the plant, if you pull it before any color is showinf i dont think the pod will change. as far as seeds, i am pretty sure the pods must ripen to a certain point on the plant for seeds to be usable. so if you pull it early then seeds may not work. i would say try it and let us know what happens!
Take the dryed seeds place them on a bright lite (mag lite) and you can see which seeds are empty, Narrows it down a little at least you won't waste time trying to sprout empty seeds. most peppers do make some empty normally.
My few superhots are in bags as we speak, no apples in there but they are ripening. All I have this year is yellow 7 pots, yellow scotch bonnets and a few bhuts. These are from one plant each that overwintered and survived cold wet weather, aphids, you name it. Our temps went low one night and I picked everything. I have had a steady ripening of the ones I brought in so they were ready. As far as seeds being viable IMO the peppers will not ripen unless they are ready. If they ripen the seeds will be usable. Be patient, check the peppers every day for signs of color changes. If you know which seeds you want use the very best pod, let it ripen to overipe before you take seeds from the pod.