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hello all

i regret to inform you all that im am no longer selling seeds, the service the post office provides is deplorable, i have recently been accused of shafting someone and twice to boot, this person will remain nameless i still have faith that maybe just maybe he will still get his seeds, but either way im completely done, my Reputation is far more important to me and i dont see the post office improving anytime soon
this has been a long time concern of mine because i had a feeling it would only be a matter of time until this very thing would happen

to the fellow who feels shafted im sincerely sorry about everything that happened but I DID NOT SHAFT YOU!!


to all on here im sorry you have to suffer for this but my Rep is just to damn important to me, i dont have very much and my Rep is pretty much all i have

thanks your friend Joe
Sorry to hear this Joe! Its really to bad that this whole thing happened! 100% satisfaction is impossible to guarentee in the business world and it's a shame that good people like yourself take the blame for it! Best of luck in whatever happens.
thanks i really wish that i didn't have to do this but right now i dont see any other way
thanks your friend Joe
I've been at THP for a while now and from everything I've seen/read ajijoe has a sparkling reputation.

Sorry to hear, Joe - the USPS has been breaking bottles lately - 2 in 3 weeks. Price goes up, service goes down. What else is new.
thanks you dont know how glad i am to hear you say this about me but in the same vain im very sad to end things

it doesn't surprise me that there breaking things but i suppose that's the other guys fault too and not the PO right ;)
sorry to hear your having probs with them too but again comes as no surprise

thanks for your kind words,

your friend Joe
Hi Joe,

You shouldn't give up ! Well, you do what you want of course, but your customers will never be always satisfied. I run company myself and I know that some people will always be disappointed. It can be your fault or someone else it doesn't matter.
Hi Joe,

You shouldn't give up ! Well, you do what you want of course, but your customers will never be always satisfied. I run company myself and I know that some people will always be disappointed. It can be your fault or someone else it doesn't matter.
thank you

im going to do some soul searching this time before i decide anything, this really hurts

thanks your friend Joe
Sorry to hear about this Joe. Everything I've always read pertaining to you or your seeds has been stellar. Perhaps in time you'll find an alternate shipping method.
Good luck Joe. Hope it all shakes out well for you.

USPS has been "losing" about 2% of my shipments this year... its absolutely unacceptable. Keep your chin up Joe.
thanks sorry your having problems also

thanks your friend Joe

Sorry to hear about this Joe. Everything I've always read pertaining to you or your seeds has been stellar. Perhaps in time you'll find an alternate shipping method.
thanks so much gotta take some time to think and heal before i decide anything
this hurts bad

thanks your friend Joe

Ever since I've been a member of THP I've been impressed at your generosity and kindness to all. It really hurts that you've decided to quit. And that's simply because a lot of folks won't be able to benefit from what you've had to offer. The entire THP community will be losing one of their best. Thanks for all the seeds you've sent me, and the advice you've given me.

Best wishes to you!

Your friend Tom
man fuct the dude that seeds got lost on!!!!!! you are a stellar dude and no one can bring down a stellar dude!!!! you sent twice, send the dude back 5 dollars and dont quit selling !!!!

fuct the police! and the dude that wants to pick on a stand up dude like my man joe.

he probbally has planted every seed already :rofl:
Hi again Joe,

In my previous reply I had no time to develop my opinion because I had to go somewhere. Here is what I think about your situation :

When you love doing something, it always hurt to see people disappointed by what you have done for them. You try to do the best you can and when things don't go as the other person expected you take it personally. In French we say "Prendre les choses trop à coeur" which means literally "Take things too much to heart". Knowing which fault is it doesn't matter, what matter is your perception of it.
When you run a business, you shouldn't feel like that because it will kill you. It doesn't mean you don't have to do your best. It just means that nothing good will come out of it because this is something out of your control (even a misunderstanding is out of control).
It's like when you loose someone : you will try to figure out what you could have done to avoid this. You feel responsible in a way. But there is nothing to seek. You could live you life a 100 time differently and it wouldn't change a thing. Because people don't understand/see "the world" the way you understand it. It's the "Cogito ergo sum" from Descartes or "the Love as other people understand it" from Marguerite Yourcenar.
You can't make the all World happy otherwise I would have already done it :P

My English is too poor to explain what I want to mean but I hope you get the mainline.

Don't worry about that UPS stuff, keep doing what you love whatever the other might think. Would you stop playing music because people don't like it ? It's the same.
sorry to read that Joe,

you were top notch everytime.

very big lost for THP members.

hope you keep supporting some good customer that wont ruin your rep. im sure you have some friends that you will ever let down!

Thanks for all you have given here with your kindness and happiness and most important KNOWLEDGE!!! your great dont change !!!!
How about including insurance on orders of a given amount and above?

Using PayPal would offer both you and your buyers some protection. That service would also allow you to provide instant refunds on the occasions when the wheels come off the wagon.
yes this is a good idea but would cause me to have to sell at a higher price


Ever since I've been a member of THP I've been impressed at your generosity and kindness to all. It really hurts that you've decided to quit. And that's simply because a lot of folks won't be able to benefit from what you've had to offer. The entire THP community will be losing one of their best. Thanks for all the seeds you've sent me, and the advice you've given me.

Best wishes to you!

Your friend Tom
thanks so much as i have said im deeply hurt and it will take some time and soul searching before i make a definate decision

thanks your friend Joe
Joe, I have never gotten anything from you but can say that all that I have ever read about you has been positive. I would do business with you if I needed seeds or anything else pepper related for that matter.
I dont know the whole situation and what has gone on behind the scenes but hope that you would reconsider your stance and not take something that is/was great for alot of newbies (like myself), away from those that would look to you for help, knowledge, guidance and even seeds that they might be looking for.

cheers and just remember, there are those out there that no matter what you do, they will always be unhappy. Cant let em get you down.
Hi again Joe,

In my previous reply I had no time to develop my opinion because I had to go somewhere. Here is what I think about your situation :

When you love doing something, it always hurt to see people disappointed by what you have done for them. You try to do the best you can and when things don't go as the other person expected you take it personally. In French we say "Prendre les choses trop à coeur" which means literally "Take things too much to heart". Knowing which fault is it doesn't matter, what matter is your perception of it.
When you run a business, you shouldn't feel like that because it will kill you. It doesn't mean you don't have to do your best. It just means that nothing good will come out of it because this is something out of your control (even a misunderstanding is out of control).
It's like when you loose someone : you will try to figure out what you could have done to avoid this. You feel responsible in a way. But there is nothing to seek. You could live you life a 100 time differently and it wouldn't change a thing. Because people don't understand/see "the world" the way you understand it. It's the "Cogito ergo sum" from Descartes or "the Love as other people understand it" from Marguerite Yourcenar.
You can't make the all World happy otherwise I would have already done it :P

My English is too poor to explain what I want to mean but I hope you get the mainline.

Don't worry about that UPS stuff, keep doing what you love whatever the other might think. Would you stop playing music because people don't like it ? It's the same.
your English is just fine and thanks im down but im not out yet

my feelings are deeply hurt but im not dead

thanks your friend Joe

Joe, I have never gotten anything from you but can say that all that I have ever read about you has been positive. I would do business with you if I needed seeds or anything else pepper related for that matter.
I dont know the whole situation and what has gone on behind the scenes but hope that you would reconsider your stance and not take something that is/was great for alot of newbies (like myself), away from those that would look to you for help, knowledge, guidance and even seeds that they might be looking for.

cheers and just remember, there are those out there that no matter what you do, they will always be unhappy. Cant let em get you down.
thank you for your kind words, im glad that my Rep speaks for itself i am considering my stance very carefully

thanks your friend Joe
OK....This saddens me :(

For a guy that gives seeds away to tons of people (Including Me), and asks nothing in return......
Also For a guy that signs every post and message with "Your Friend Joe"....

Any ill treatment of you is uncalled for!!

I don't believe for a second that, as generous a person as you are, that you shafted anyone.....ever....

Send that fellow, that falsely accused you, out here to visit me, and I will happily bury them alive under the mountain of tumbleweeds that I cleared off the fencelines this weekend!!!

Seriously, don't let them get you down. It sounds like the only one getting screwed over is you.

People can be greedy, scandalous, and liars....You my friend are none of those things!

I think we all know you and your reputation are shining through.

And by the way, thank you so much for the Wild Brazil, Peach Bhut and Surprise Hot Mix Seeds!! (They have all three germinated nicely)

Your Friend Chris