• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

"Not White" Yellow Bhut Community Grow

Okay, I've intended to start this thread for awhile now.  The impetus for this is a couple of plants I grew last year.  They were White Bhut Jolokias, seed for which I got from PepperLover.  While the majority of plants grown from those seeds were true to type, two produced yellow pods instead of white.  Judy tells me the White BJ was created by crossing a Yellow BJ with a White Habanero, so it's not surprising a plant might revert to yellow.
In any case, this is what those "not white" pods looked like:

You can read what I had to say about them in my 2013 glog here.  Long story short, it is a superior pod in size, shape, texture, heat level, flavor and fragrance.  The pods have a very distinct banana fragrance to them, enough that even I could smell it, and I normally have difficulty smelling the fruity overtones of peppers.  The plants were healthy and productive, though I don't recall anything particularly distinctive about them, other than the pods.
Compare those to the regular Yellow Bhut Jolokia, seed also from Judy:

I know there are other variations of the Yellow BJ out there, as well, but I think attempting to stabilize this "not white" is an effort worth pursuing. 
I've already distributed seeds to a few people, and while they are not obligated to participate here (since I hadn't thought of this thread when I sent them the seeds), I hope they will choose to participate.  I have plenty of seeds for others who wish to participate, but a limited postage budget.  So I'll send free seeds post-paid to the first ten people who post here asking for them, who either have a current grow log or had one last year, and also agree to participate in this community grow log.
It may turn out that none of the seeds produce plants that match the parent, but the more people growing, the better the chances.  If the phenotype does reproduce and we can stabilize it, it will be a nice addition to the BJ family.
Edit:  PS - I can really only cover postage to US destinations.
Edit: - Cleaned up grammar.
outlaw said:
This is super interesting to me, I too got in late

I know its late, but also would like to be involved if possible? I would gladly pay for any shipping or seed charge needed.

If not - no prob I definitely understand. will still be following this regardless!
PM me your address, Trev, and I'll get some seeds sent out to you.  No charge for the seeds.  Maybe or maybe not on the shipping; I don't remember what it costs to ship; I'll let you know.  No more than two or three bucks to NE, I think.
Got my seeds today! Was beyond excited when I saw the envelope and was even more excited when I saw the MOA Bonnet and Brown Congo seeds! Man, I can't tell you how much I appreciate it!

I just put some of the seeds in pellets and did a little garden jig. I'm officially in!

Thanks again John!!
You're welcome, Trev.  Hopefully they will grow well for you.  FYI, and not to be a downer or anything, but those MoA and BC seeds are not from isolated pods.  There's some chance they won't grow true to type.  Part of my goal with this year's grow is to determine what percentage do grow true, but with losses from prolonged cool, wet weather and the realization I had no room for 10 each of a hundred varieties, the statistics are going to be tough to figure.
The weather has finally turned conducive for growing peppers here, for about a week now.  Of the 10 NWYBJs I set out originally, I have six left that look like they are going to rise to the occasion.  I don't remember now if I have back-ups to fill in the gaps.  If not, I'll probably plant something else there, maybe pyrethrum or marigold.
Sawyer said:
You're welcome, Trev.  Hopefully they will grow well for you.  FYI, and not to be a downer or anything, but those MoA and BC seeds are not from isolated pods.  There's some chance they won't grow true to type.  Part of my goal with this year's grow is to determine what percentage do grow true, but with losses from prolonged cool, wet weather and the realization I had no room for 10 each of a hundred varieties, the statistics are going to be tough to figure.
No problem at all! I am just thankful that you threw those in there! Either way, I'm sure they will be some tasty peppers :onfire:
Hope everyone is doing well, excited to see some updates!
This is like real life :P  some are born and some dies. Unfortunately when your little one was born my last NWY died. :mope: :tear:
Nulle said:
This is like real life :P  some are born and some dies. Unfortunately when your little one was born my last NWY died. :mope: :tear:
That is too bad, Linda.  May I ask what happened?  I think I sent you enough seeds to try again (if not, and you want more, just let me know), but at this point, unless you have OW facilities, it might be best to see if someone in this round gets true-to-type pods and get seeds from those for next year.
I have 7 in ground, planted 10, lost 4 due to a combination of bugs and too cool and wet weather, had one back-up to replant.  They're way behind most of the folks' plants on here, but have started to grow since the middle of June.  Hopefully I'll get a fall crop.
I just looked over at your topic and saw that weather and bugs got you, too.  It's been a strange year, weather-wise, so far.
Let's just say that the plants in the garden that I want to grow are not doing too great this year. But the plants that I don't want to grow are doing just fine. :mope: ;)
"But the plants that I don't want to grow are doing just fine."
Ha, seems like that's more often the case than not.  Though even the weeds in my garden didn't do too well until two or three weeks ago.  Now I'm having a hard time keeping up with them.