• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

"Not White" Yellow Bhut Community Grow

Okay, I've intended to start this thread for awhile now.  The impetus for this is a couple of plants I grew last year.  They were White Bhut Jolokias, seed for which I got from PepperLover.  While the majority of plants grown from those seeds were true to type, two produced yellow pods instead of white.  Judy tells me the White BJ was created by crossing a Yellow BJ with a White Habanero, so it's not surprising a plant might revert to yellow.
In any case, this is what those "not white" pods looked like:

You can read what I had to say about them in my 2013 glog here.  Long story short, it is a superior pod in size, shape, texture, heat level, flavor and fragrance.  The pods have a very distinct banana fragrance to them, enough that even I could smell it, and I normally have difficulty smelling the fruity overtones of peppers.  The plants were healthy and productive, though I don't recall anything particularly distinctive about them, other than the pods.
Compare those to the regular Yellow Bhut Jolokia, seed also from Judy:

I know there are other variations of the Yellow BJ out there, as well, but I think attempting to stabilize this "not white" is an effort worth pursuing. 
I've already distributed seeds to a few people, and while they are not obligated to participate here (since I hadn't thought of this thread when I sent them the seeds), I hope they will choose to participate.  I have plenty of seeds for others who wish to participate, but a limited postage budget.  So I'll send free seeds post-paid to the first ten people who post here asking for them, who either have a current grow log or had one last year, and also agree to participate in this community grow log.
It may turn out that none of the seeds produce plants that match the parent, but the more people growing, the better the chances.  If the phenotype does reproduce and we can stabilize it, it will be a nice addition to the BJ family.
Edit:  PS - I can really only cover postage to US destinations.
Edit: - Cleaned up grammar.
Well, at least it's yellow and of approximately the correct shape.  Maybe not quite as pebbly as we're shooting for.  Did you take any close-ups of the pod?  Could you detect a banana-like fragrance to it?  That's one of the main things I hope we can reproduce.
Your plant looks like it suffered a pretty severe topping at some point.  Is there an interesting story behind that?
Sawyer said:
Well, at least it's yellow and of approximately the correct shape.  Maybe not quite as pebbly as we're shooting for.  Did you take any close-ups of the pod?  Could you detect a banana-like fragrance to it?  That's one of the main things I hope we can reproduce.
Your plant looks like it suffered a pretty severe topping at some point.  Is there an interesting story behind that?
Oddly enough it was never topped. It was root bound for a time since I started it indoors too early. I did not take too many close ups before I ate it. I have a few more yellowing so I will take some pictures of them. I definitely could smell the banana fragrance, it was pretty strong.
That's a topic of some discussion.  The one picked may have had viable seeds.  I don't know if there is any hard and fast rule, but I'd leave it at least two or three weeks after it turns yellow.  Someone else on here may have a better answer.
I just found your glog.  For a first timer, you sure got off to a good start.  You should update over there. 
Edit:  Oh, yeah, those pods are looking good, too.
Nice color on the pod Wildchicken!
Mine have not started to ripen yet, but I expect that soon there will be some.  The baby pods have not had a banana
scent, but I haven't picked a ripe mature pod yet.  Babies have all been yellow:
PaulG said:
Nice color on the pod Wildchicken!
Mine have not started to ripen yet, but I expect that soon there will be some.  The baby pods have not had a banana
scent, but I haven't picked a ripe mature pod yet.  Babies have all been yellow:
That is a giant plant!
And here are a couple ripe pods.  Two different plants, two different shades of yellow.  Look nothing like a yellow bhut as they are retaining the white bhut pod shape...at least compared to my white bhuts.
Definitely not as gnarly as the OP pheno, but not terribly off track.  Do either have a banana fragrance?  The last time I looked closely, only two of my plants had pods.  They looked more like 7 Pots in shape and were still green.
Of the four of my plants growing, there are two that are white and two that are yellow. The ones that are white have a little yellow tint to them though. I need to get some pics together and post them. I will look for the banana fragrance on all to see if it comes through.
A little stubbier than we were hoping for, I guess, and not as gnarly, but hey, you've got a bunch of them.  Hope the flavor makes them worthwhile. 
Sawyer said:
A little stubbier than we were hoping for, I guess, and not as gnarly, but hey, you've got a bunch of them.  Hope the flavor makes them worthwhile. 
I think it is nice having the white bhut shape only yellow.
HillBilly Jeff said:
I think it is nice having the white bhut shape only yellow.
That, too.  My main hope is that we can isolate the banana fragrance.  Somewhere on THP I read someone else mentioning a banana fragrance for a pepper, but I can't find it now.  I don't remember what pepper it was, either, maybe a yellow Scorpion.
I noticed today I have a couple beginning to ripen.  They look nothing like a bhut, yellow, white or otherwise, but they do at least seem to be turning yellow.