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Nutrient Injection System


Technology has come a long way in my short life on this earth...

with the installation of my irrigation system, leeching the nutrients out of the soil is going to become an issue if I don't do something to correct that...side dressing I suppose would still work but I can never be sure the plants are getting "their fair share" of nutrients....therefore, I have decided to look into low pressure nutrient injection systems...I kinda feel like I am growing "hydropinically" using soil...roflmao...as I found out this morning, they call it "Fertigation"...whudathunkit...

I have emails out to a few different companies inquiring about their products and if they have an injection system I can use up to four different nutrients with...

Since all I am growing is hot peppers, I can give each plant the same amount of nutrients...

here are a couple of links that show you the type of injection systems I am looking at...the first one right now is my choice because of the $50 price tag on it while the rest are up in the hundreds of dollars...


I have not seen systems so far that I can use four nutrients on...butit seems multiple nutrient injection systems are not for the poor man...


here is a link to a bunch of different injection manufacturers...


comments/questions gladly accepted and discussed...
I just got a huge ferigation setup with my new greenhouse but I'm not exactly sure how it works yet. In the past I've worked with systems where you just add nutrients to a barrel and it injects it into the water supply with a pump. In my garden I just use an old miracle grow injector(before they changed the whole system) but the unit in the first link looks like a good buy depending on price of course
cool P...we can learn to use them together...

The more I think about it, the more I like the single injector...I sent them an email asking if I could put them in series so I can add two nutrients at a time...and they are only 50 USD each

we will see what they say...
My system should be simple, I just need the room to set it all up. I just put whatever mix of water-soluble nutrients I want to use in a barrel at proper proportions and it'll inject into the water system at proper dilution. I've used similar setups when I worked in commercial greenhouses and they are pretty simple and easy to use
I don't think this is any kind of rocket science at all. Start with a very low nutrient/water mix at low injection rates and ramp up as you get more information.

Very similar to hydro and our bass player raises truck vegetables for NYC market with this system.

If you are having fert leaching issues, isn't that an indication of too much watering?

my soil drains pretty fast...I am only giving the plants a 2 or 3 minute run three times a day...which is not much water at all...I am just looking ahead thinking about how to give my plants food...side dressing is fine, but I had rather inject it into the system if I can and it seems that is do-able...

I don't think this is any kind of rocket science at all. Start with a very low nutrient/water mix at low injection rates and ramp up as you get more information.

Very similar to hydro and our bass player raises truck vegetables for NYC market with this system.

thanks Willard...that is exactly what I was hoping...
Ill be at the hydro warehouse thursday. Ill ask if they have what youre looking for. I think they have one that is made with fox farm nutes in mind, but Im not sure what the price tag is on it. If there is not a pre fabricated multi nute setup would you consider getting one made?
The $50 injector looks pretty good. I'd like to see it in action. There's another device that I've seen called a sipon mixer. Here's one at Amazon:


It will deliver a mixed nutrient at a 1:16 ratio. I'm guessing the above injector works at a higher concentration. I've never tried either, maybe next year.
Ill be at the hydro warehouse thursday. Ill ask if they have what youre looking for. I think they have one that is made with fox farm nutes in mind, but Im not sure what the price tag is on it. If there is not a pre fabricated multi nute setup would you consider getting one made?

I am leaning towards the single injector right now cost wise...however, if I could get into a system with 4 injection ports for under $100.00 I may be interested..as far as the fox farm one goes...I have been using botanicare nutes for a while now and really like them...since the injector(s) is(are) adjustable, that should not be a problem...

The $50 injector looks pretty good. I'd like to see it in action. There's another device that I've seen called a sipon mixer. Here's one at Amazon:


It will deliver a mixed nutrient at a 1:16 ratio. I'm guessing the above injector works at a higher concentration. I've never tried either, maybe next year.

I think the injector system can be fine tuned more than the syphon system...
This year I'm about 25% soil gardening, and next year I'm 100% done with soil and I'm going to a hydro/coco grow bag' irrigation system. Here is an excellent chemical injector http://www.hydro-gardens.com/irrsupp.htm . Basically you mix a master solution and it pumps the exact same ratio regardless of water pressure.

Another possibility is to buy a 300 gallon bulk container mix your nutes, put in a pump, 1/2" funny pipe, and drip lines.

Call Hydro Gardens and tell Mike (the owner) about your grow plans and they'll design a commercial system around your needs. I believe it's free if you do business with them. They're also a great source for lost cost nutes
I have seen the dosamatics and chemalizers and dang, they are expensive...thanks for the link
different nutrients at different times...and I can use one for epsom salt also...Liquid Karma, CalMag plus...heck, I can even add a standard 10-10-10 vigaro liquid concentrate if I want...just want the convenience of not having to change any liquids out...
In my opinion I think your going about providing the plants ferts the wrong way. No matter what you do fert feeding the plants via soil will always waste about 2/3rd of the ferts because they are simply watered out of the pot before the plants can intake the fert. I think that number is probably higher in your system since your watering automatically. That's why people opt to get ferts with a high NPK ratio. Basically if you get a fert with 15-30-15 and the plant only uses 10% your just throwing your money down the drain. That's why people use ferts that are so high on the scale and never burn their plants.

You should look into foiler feeding as it will not only improve the intake of the ferts 80-90% opposed to 10% intake the plants will be able to intake the ferts within hours and not days giving you total control of your plants. For me I mix my ferts in an auto spray and just provide a light mist over them twice a week. Take about 5 minutes if that.

Here is some info I posted a while back that contains links to research data and scientific proof on why foiler feeding is by far a much better solution.

THP interal post link <----------------
I may be wrong and from reading what you have posted, I probably am...however, I am too far down the road on this project with too much money and time invested to start over...foliar feeding is great, and I use it pretty much all the time on my seedlings but when they go outside, that's it, except for the occasional foliar feed I do by hand...
You really don't have to change the system and if you are already foiler feeding from time to time just do that instead twice a week. Not only will you use a lot less ferts you don't have to pay for anything outside of a few minutes spraying the plants. It's a win win, but if you already paid for something to inject might as well use that.