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Nutrient Issues?

you have not said where you are with these.

are these plants going to go outside?

what size container are they in now and what is the "media" you have them in now?

a light strength 'dose' of whatever you are giving them may give you the best obtainable results

try to take a chill pill and relax they only do one thing

good growing

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Edit: SNAP! I just realized that the lady at the store told me the wrong amount to add to the water. I believe she said to put 2 tsp's per gallon and then use a 1/2 gallon per plant (container). Will over doing it once cause any issues? [/background]

I don't see where that would bother anything unless Calcium and Magnesium can burn? I don't think they are that potent.
I'm guessing that my water doesn't have the necessary nutes because my plants are wrinkled OR the water does have nutes, and because I fertilized often without letting the fert in the soil get used up first they have nutrient lock.

That said, MotoMike gave me the idea of looking for hydroponic stores in my area. So, I picked up a gallon of Cal-Mag and hit a few plants with a half of a gallon each.

Is there a way to test the water for those nutes?

Edit: SNAP! I just realized that the lady at the store told me the wrong amount to add to the water. I believe she said to put 2 tsp's per gallon and then use a 1/2 gallon per plant (container). Will over doing it once cause any issues?

You gave your plants a 1/2 gal of calmag!!!!!!!!!!!! ??

Just use water, no fertilizer and see what happens. You very well can burn plants with calmag. If they make it I would say only water. If you ONLY water after a while the new forming leaves show yellow, that is indication of time to fertilize, an N deficiency, the first sign as plants need N most out of any nutrient. You can then feed 1/2 stength. Same idea as waiting untill plants leaves wilt from no water before watering.

Let the plant tell you what it wants. :cool:
You gave your plants a 1/2 gal of calmag!!!!!!!!!!!! ??

I think he meant 1/2 gallon of mixed Cal-mag. ;)

Also, there are exceptions to foliar feeding such as African Violets which only like soil feeding.
I wonder if the waxy surface of the leaves on peppers hinders absorption any? :think: So much to learn, so little time. ;)
This plant came up(along with a tomato) and is doing just fine in the ground(sandy Florida soil) the only nutrients I added where the rabbit poop and a little compost I mixed in the soil 6 months ago. We where preparing the soil to plant things later on, I decided to let them grow. As you can see the Honkey Pepper and Tomato are doing fine with little or no attention(outside some neem oil, 7 dust and watering) People tend to love their plants to death, you should back off and give them some time to recover.
Haha. Yeah, sorry I wasn't being clear. It was 1/2 gallon of water with 1 tsp of Cal-Mag. The standard serving is 1 tsp per gallon. :) They actually seemed to look a bit better the next day. Though, it could be like a placebo pill, and I just THINK they look better. :)

Thanks all for your words of wisdom, I really appreciate it. :)
Cut the guy some slack he made a mistake once and obviously won't do it again. ;)

Lol your right, just do not want others to make the same mistakes I made. I used to go out and buy everything I could untill I realized what can be done with one water soluble high calcium bloom fertilizer. Now I do not need anything but one fertilizer, MaxiBloom!!!!
Cut the guy some slack he made a mistake once and obviously won't do it again. ;)

Hehe. Thanks Mike. :)

Lol your right, just do not want others to make the same mistakes I made. I used to go out and buy everything I could untill I realized what can be done with one water soluble high calcium bloom fertilizer. Now I do not need anything but one fertilizer, MaxiBloom!!!!

Capsicum, so you use MaxiBloom for peppers in containers? If so, how often do you fertilize? Or, do you wait until you see signs of need?

I found maxibloom from coming on here!!!Thanks!!!

I grow in potting mix so I do not fertilize untill a month or so at 1/2 or 1/4 strength depending on temp. Tempreture determins growth rate and the faster the plants are growing the more fertilizer needed, especially in the plants reproductive stage. If your growing in potting mix and plants are just in vegatation then you really do not need much fertilizer. If you grow in a soilless media or hydroponics then you need to fertilize all the way. I grow in a pine media and I fertilize every watering at 1/4 strength. It wont hurt to have Ca Mg on the side though it is a good product. Maxibloom has missing micro nutrients. I use miracle gro fertilizer to get them in and make my nutrient program cheaper.

What is your soil/media?

Replant them in some basic potting mix and just water everytime they get really dry and they will take off. I find I really need to increase my fertilizer when plants become rootbound. I increase the fertilizer up to full strength when growing say full sized jalapeno plants in #2 nurserey pots. That will all determine fertilizer strength.
I found maxibloom from coming on here!!!Thanks!!!

I grow in potting mix so I do not fertilize untill a month or so at 1/2 or 1/4 strength depending on temp. Tempreture determins growth rate and the faster the plants are growing the more fertilizer needed, especially in the plants reproductive stage. If your growing in potting mix and plants are just in vegatation then you really do not need much fertilizer. If you grow in a soilless media or hydroponics then you need to fertilize all the way. I grow in a pine media and I fertilize every watering at 1/4 strength. It wont hurt to have Ca Mg on the side though it is a good product. Maxibloom has missing micro nutrients. I use miracle gro fertilizer to get them in and make my nutrient program cheaper.

What is your soil/media?

Replant them in some basic potting mix and just water everytime they get really dry and they will take off. I find I really need to increase my fertilizer when plants become rootbound. I increase the fertilizer up to full strength when growing say full sized jalapeno plants in #2 nurserey pots. That will all determine fertilizer strength.

Thanks Caps, good tips. I'm growing about 40 plants in 7 gallon containers using MG Moisture Control for soil.
Those soils have fertilizer in them. Just replant your plants into some 6 inch or 1 gal pots in the MG mix and just use only water. The soil should make it trouble free. Later down the road use some water soluble fertilizer at low strength with some calmag. Keep it simple. Leaves will yellow after feeding plants only water. that is a sign of time to fertilze. You dont want to overfertilize, but underfertilze. With fertilizer your always staying right below what the plant can take in.
Those soils have fertilizer in them. Just replant your plants into some 6 inch or 1 gal pots in the MG mix and just use only water. The soil should make it trouble free. Later down the road use some water soluble fertilizer at low strength with some calmag. Keep it simple. Leaves will yellow after feeding plants only water. that is a sign of time to fertilze. You dont want to overfertilize, but underfertilze. With fertilizer your always staying right below what the plant can take in.

Will do. So, just like you handle watering...wait till you see it go the other way and then act on that. :)
Question: How long does it take before you start seeing a difference in the leaves, or new leaves once you have started adding Cal-Mag? I've only had to water them twice since I've started the Cal-Mag. But, i want to make sure I don't over do the Cal-Mag. A lot of my plants are still looking awfully wrinkly. Some of them have a little burn on the edges too, but not too horrible. I haven't fertilized them since I've transplanted them a few weeks back due to the fertilizer already in the MG Moisture Control.

Question: How long does it take...?

Answer: It all depends on how perceptive you are!

if i was in your shoes i would try to just use a water only when needed strategy.

the chilis in the pictures from last week looked like they may have needed to be 'potted up'

if you could try to increase the available root space and "just" water when needed for a few weeks

you will likely be able to see you have grown some healthy looking chilis

good growing

Question: How long does it take...?

Answer: It all depends on how perceptive you are!

if i was in your shoes i would try to just use a water only when needed strategy.

the chilis in the pictures from last week looked like they may have needed to be 'potted up'

if you could try to increase the available root space and "just" water when needed for a few weeks

you will likely be able to see you have grown some healthy looking chilis

good growing


Thanks nitwit, I appreciate it. You know, I'm a noob and learning as I go. I suspected that some of the issues may have been because they were in the solo cups a little too long and became root bound, from what I've read on what root bound means to the plant. :) Thank you for the advice, appreciate it.
I wanted to post a follow up, just in case there may be anything I need to do OR not do. The ones in pots have been cal-mag'ed twice since transplanted. You can also see similar signs in my baby peppers of another type. Some of them are flowering, but the leaves are looking terrible. I think the leaves that are on the lower section and are yellow may be from touching the dirt when I water. I try to keep them off though. I do have other peppers that don't show any of the same signs, however they are not the same type of peppers. Currently, I have been taking the suggestion of just plain watering when needed, with no fert or cal-mag.





Notice in your second pic how much nicer the new growth is compared to the old growth? I'm pretty sure you were over fertilizing. The burn leaf edges are a dead give-away. Peppers don't require a lot of fertilizer, especially when you are using a soil mix that has fertilizer in it already. keep giving them plain water until the plants look like they need something extra, then fertilize accordingly.