nutrients nutrients

Chile plants do fine with just about any fertilizer that is used appropriately. It's best to stick with emulsions for tomatoes, eggplant, or ofther flowering vegetables as other fertilizers are often far too strong for chiles and will end up burning them. I myself use General Organics' line of liquid fertilizers, but I've had good success in the past using fish emulsions or kelp emulsions. Just be sure to note the NPK numbers on the front, as chiles tend to get kind of feisty if given too much nitrogen in particular since it's a common mistake to spoon feed your plants nitrogen since it's supposed to improve foliar growth. Too much can have just the opposite effect. Or you can just use water and use a foliar spray solution of magnesium sulfate diluted to about 1tbsp/gal of dihydrogen monoxide :lol:

(This is also known as 1tbsp/gal of epsom salts)
20-20-20 water soluable fertilizer with micro nutrients. And sheep manure spread around the plants once outdoors. works well for me.
Ballzworth said:
20-20-20 water soluable fertilizer with micro nutrients. And sheep manure spread around the plants once outdoors. works well for me.

+1 although I use cow manure, and lots of compost
I've been using bonide pure blend pro grow formula, it has been a huge improvement over the espoma garden / tomato tone I used in the past. The plants have been healthier and really took off since I've started to use it. I'm also thinking about using some maxicrop seaweed formula for some of the micro nutrients.
For Hydro, at the moment I am using the General Hydroponics 3-part system as well as Liquid Karma. I only go 1/2 strength of the recommended dosage and as far I can tell, the plants are doing pretty well.

For Soil, I am using Fox Farms grow/bloom combo and mix the recommended amount in 1 gallon jugs to water.
Are we talking about soil nutrients or Hydroponic nutrients? I use cheap 10-10-10 for dirt and I use to use General Hydroponics Maxigrow and Maxibloom. For hydro I now use nutes from hydrogardens, it's cheaper and kicks ass