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seed-plant-vendors Nuts (.com)

I was purchasing our annual nut order from Nuts.com, the usual Pecans, Walnuts, Brasils etc. except *Almonds. I was looking around for something fun and tasty when I found these Habanero Pistachios. OMG these are good! They don't melt your face off but not everything has to for me. You could always add a drop of PE to each one if that floats your boat but the flavor is killer!

If you like nuts, seeds or sweet treats, I highly recommend Nuts.com, especially these Pistachios. Their products are so fresh!



*I myself am not buying Almonds anymore. It takes a full gallon of water to produce 1 Almond and California is fucked enough over there water problem. Tom Sellec is stealing it all. lol
Some things like turmeric have to be called out because turmeric is a coloring agent as well as flavoring. Other things like onion powder can be lumped into "seasonings"...even though some people (like my bro,in,law) are deathly allergic to onion. Not much rhyme or reason...

But those are some yummy sounding nuts!!!! Thanks for sharing.
My issue is with things like Da Bomb's Bhut Jolokia nuts. The first peak is Habanero and that's fair enough but, after the Ghost Pepper peak, there's a little something extra. Add to that the mysterious dark flavour elements that aren't entirely from the liquid smoke and I'm ~95% certain they're using a comparatively mild extract for increased burn.

Now, I'm used to a near-pure Ghost coating on my nuts. I was able to take it a bit hotter. Not everyone is. And there is no mention of any chilli extract anywhere on the packaging.

The only thing I can think is that they've looked at Blair's "Natural Pepper Flavour" and decided that they can just file it under "Natural Flavours" but Blair's warns people about the heat. Blair's doesn't try to pass itself off as a specific pepper product.
spicefreak said:
My issue is with things like Da Bomb's Bhut Jolokia nuts. The first peak is Habanero and that's fair enough but, after the Ghost Pepper peak, there's a little something extra. Add to that the mysterious dark flavour elements that aren't entirely from the liquid smoke and I'm ~95% certain they're using a comparatively mild extract for increased burn.

Now, I'm used to a near-pure Ghost coating on my nuts. I was able to take it a bit hotter. Not everyone is. And there is no mention of any chilli extract anywhere on the packaging.

The only thing I can think is that they've looked at Blair's "Natural Pepper Flavour" and decided that they can just file it under "Natural Flavours" but Blair's warns people about the heat. Blair's doesn't try to pass itself off as a specific pepper product.
I'm pretty sure I wouldn't like that!
D3monic said:
I just want to know who was the first person to figure out that a beavers anal gland tastes like raspberries and vanilla... and the conversation that lead up to them convincing another person to try it. 
This made my frikkin day!
I've used some verbage like "our secret blend of spices and chipotle peppers". So they see the pepper in the mix...and other spices.

Nuthing wrong with listing...our secret blend of superhot peppers...our carefully crafted mix of organically grown chiles,perfectly blended to create the ultimate burn.... Chile peppers....mixed peppers....

You get the idea~~~
Edit to add...

But i try to list it like.....secret blend of spices including onion, garlic and turmeric.

So those with allergies can know.
salsalady said:
Nuthing wrong with listing...our secret blend of superhot peppers...our carefully crafted mix of organically grown chiles,perfectly blended to create the ultimate burn.... Chile peppers....mixed peppers....

Given that you can't trust the heat ratings of various companies to be reliable in relation to one another, I like to be able to see the type of chilli used somewhere on the bottle so I have some idea what I'm getting into. "Secret blend of superhot peppers" is ok so long as you use the term "superhot" properly but "so and so's smokey blend", for example, tells us nothing about the strength, "chillies" says even less and "mixed peppers" could be anything from 3 types of scorpion down to the pre-sliced frozen bells you get in supermarkets.
If an ingredients list doesn't specify at least a little it annoys me but if it doesn't even bother to state that it actually contains chillies then that tends to put me right off.