event NW Chilefest 2013 Discussion

uh oh... LDHS and HH81 in close proximity for cooking......

sigh... resign yourselves, NWCF attendees..... sigh.... grilled pineapple on the menu...


Not that there'sanything wrong with grilled pineapple....!!!! just sayin~~~
it could go to Admit It....but only with pineapple!

whatever shenanigans they might or might not conspire over the upcoming months does not reflect on the NWCF as a non-entity.
I called in for reservations today for those who've send me commitments. Each of you need to contact the resort to pay the deposit and give them all the contact info. Right now we have 6 confirmed campers. (2 others wanted a cabin, but the cabins are ll booked. Waiting to see what they decide to do.)

I have 4 other spots set aside for others to jump in. I haven't heard from PaulG, Jerret, nmorris, megaspokane, megahot, RS67, BigCedar, DawgBite, SamfromZ&Z or anyone from SoFlo or PA. If anyone "runs into" our amigos in chat or wherever,give 'em a reminder to get over here and put their name on a spot.

For those who are vasilating, you can reserve a spot and the deposit is one night's fee. You have until 2 weeks before the weekend to cancel. If you cancel before the 14 day deadline, there's a $10 cancelation fee and the rest of the reservation is refunded.This is a really popular resort, and they expect to be booked solid .

For the rest, call sunlakes resort at 509-632-5291 to pay the deposit and give them contact info.
(LDHS, chileaddict, hawkey, onefowl, scovie)

Also, you can have more than one tent per site. They may charge for an extra car, but that's cheaper than another site. Talk amongst yourselves if you wanna share sites.

Sorry about the cabins, folks. I didn't think to check on the website for when they upen up reservations.

AND--- one more thing, if you check the map, we're in the back-in sites at the top right. They're putting us 5 on one site, and 5 on the other with a nice grassy area in between. That'll make a nice group camp. After seeing the list of MIA people....maybe I should set aside more than 4 extra sites???
It might be a good idea to get 6 maybe?

I sent a PM to Jerret, Mega, PauG, Dawgbite, nmorris, and Hawkeye.

[background=rgb(255, 244, 228)]Scovie you posted the link to the wrong resort.lol......If we have to we will reserve a camp site, but going to try and be on a reserve for a cabin if anyone cancels their reservation. Would be kind of nice to have at least one cabin in the group. Looks like my sister and her hubby will join us for the fun.[/background]​
Bummer about the cabins. I'm going to see if they have a mobile, and be put onto the cabin wait list.

Just called and their office wasn't open. Kathy and I would like to opt for a camping site. Ann, what do we need to do to get one of those?
Thinking we are going to try for a mobile if not I guess we will be renting a RV..... Hope not they are friggen expensive..... :( Gotta look at website again to see what office hours are and get on it as soon as someone is there.

Anywho... hope somethin works out........