Their office hours are something like 9-1 and 4-7 M-F. They do call back if message left.
As I posted I have 4 "extra" sites. Davez, at this point, since there are available sites, I'd say to call them, (they have your name for a cabin) and reserve a tent site for sure but keep your name on the waitinglist for a cabin. I'll keep the other 4 sites for late comers.
They will put us all in the same area but aren't assigning specific spots until we get there in case they have to move everyone over one spot or something. Right now we have 10 (11 if Davez adds a spot) which are back-to-back across the lawn and adjacent. A nice "block" of sites.
Note, these are back-in sites. Appropriate for tents, campers, pop-up or small trailers...but no huge monster units. There are pull-throughs right across from the back-ins. Oh, and all the sites have power, water, sewer. It's just the back-in sites don't work for the big rigs.
As I posted I have 4 "extra" sites. Davez, at this point, since there are available sites, I'd say to call them, (they have your name for a cabin) and reserve a tent site for sure but keep your name on the waitinglist for a cabin. I'll keep the other 4 sites for late comers.
They will put us all in the same area but aren't assigning specific spots until we get there in case they have to move everyone over one spot or something. Right now we have 10 (11 if Davez adds a spot) which are back-to-back across the lawn and adjacent. A nice "block" of sites.
Note, these are back-in sites. Appropriate for tents, campers, pop-up or small trailers...but no huge monster units. There are pull-throughs right across from the back-ins. Oh, and all the sites have power, water, sewer. It's just the back-in sites don't work for the big rigs.