PaulG, I'll take you up on that offer for shells/torts. Thank you so very much! PM on the way.
Anyone want to bring any of the following-
4-5 pounds shredded cheese (pre-shredded/Costco!!!!

2 pounds sour cream
Misc bits- 1 bunch cilantro (washed, chopped), 3 1/8th-cut limes
1 large bag shredded lettuce (or about a gallon's-worth)
1 large bag plain tortilla strips or chips for the sample table
Plates, cutlery and napkins for 60-ish people
Please let me know if you plan to bring one of the above Taco-related ingredients. I'll cover anything that hasn't been claimed. Otherwise, bring your favorite PotLuck dish! there is power in the picnic shelter for crock pots and such.
I've heard from a lot of folks planning to attend but chatter is a bit quiet. Not to worry...I know we're going to have a great time! As everyone is cruising around the different forums and you see new folks, send them a link or shoutout about the PotLuck. onefowl1 was a THP member for 1 WEEK and he came to the 2nd NWCF at Lake Sammamish!
Hawkeye- could your Pecan Waffle recipe work cooked as flapjacks? I have a reasonable size electric griddle....can do eggs to order and snausages with pecan cakes for sunday breakfast??? PM to me if something like that can work.
onefowl1-, can you make that peach/manzano salsa again that you brought to Vasa Park? I wanted to snag that to take home but it got away from me!

Love to have some of that if you can make it but don't stress over it.
RS67man- the boys are hoping KittyinPJs can do the pretzel thing again.
PS- I really hope someone is bringing the fixings and recipe for the ultimate bloody mary that I can snag one from in the mornings! I like 'em but can't make a decent one. I'll contribute to the cause....nudgenudgewinkwink...
For all the Day-Trippers-
Come on out to the Picnic Shelter any time midday. We'll be out there by 10:00 or so to get things set up. Socialize and taste a bunch of peppers and sauces and stuff all out on the samples table. Tacos PotLuck around 2:00, and we'll determine onsite when to have the Pure Evil Challenge. We still need a couple items to be committed to be supplied for the Tacos for PotLuck, feel free to offer what you can. Thanks!!!
Lots of picnic tables at the picnic shelter, so you probably don't need chairs. Just BYOB. Water and Lavender Lemonade Provided.
Lawn Games are a good thing to bring also! And the Green River is very close to the shelter for splashing about. The river changes every year so I'm not sure if there's a good wading pool for the very little kiddies, but it's consistently good for older kids and adults of all ages.
I think we will have some sauces to critique for THP members who are in the R&D phase, that will be fun!
NameTags will be there, please find the NameTag bin and get tagged with your THP name and real life first name.
I always feel like I never have enough time to visit with new friends and old friends and I think others feel the same way. Come Early, Stay Late.....
not sure WHAT they rule, but the do!~~~