event NWCF- campout summary, post #83

That's Funny, Richard....I was just thinking about them recently.  :lol:  Wonder if they're still scrounging campsites for food? 
We'll keep the offer in mind as things come together.  I'm off work as of today :woohoo:  got most of the food stuff cooked Monday, packing up tomorrow, hit the road Thursday~
You guys have a blast. I have some family stuff to take care of this weekend, so I won't be able to attend. I hope you guys have a killer turnout. Weather should be on your side!
ronaldo_fanbelt said:
You guys have a blast. I have some family stuff to take care of this weekend, so I won't be able to attend. I hope you guys have a killer turnout. Weather should be on your side!
Boo!  Hiss!   :neutral:  Sorry, sometimes things just work out that way.
Hope to see you next year!  You are so close!
TrueNorthReptiles said:
Damn, I don't think my sauces are going to make it in time. Sorry, folks. :(
There's always next year!

Any of my fellow New England chili heads starting to feel like we need something like this on our side of of the continent?

Just sayin.

I checked to see if I had enough airline miles to get to Seattle. No such luck.

Hope everyone has a real good time.

"And please, stay safe."
Pictures are HERE!  in the official NWCF thread.  Away from all this preliminary stuff.
I'm hoping others will post some pics, and I am enjoying TrueNorth's sauces!  I only feel al little bit bad about that since all my RedHawk sauces made their way to new homes~~~  :) 
More in the Official thread~