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Just as long as pets (dogs) are allowed. I have one announcement, I have a new woofer. Bailey is a 3 1/2 month old brindle scottish terrier. Mona and I felt that Scotty nneded a playmate, and you just can't have one scottie. I drove to Twin Falls Idaho to pick him up three weeks ago.

RS- Just looked at park info and pets are allowed. So Scotty and Bailey are welcome. Even says you can bring horses so if you have one of those bring 'em. Lol jk :) Happy to hear you guys can make it. Congratulations on the new puppy.

Hopefully soon I can get up there and take some pictures and notes.
Hello Northwest Chileheads!!!!!!!

Ann (salsalady) and I are starting plans for the 3rd annual Northwest Chilefest. We want to get a jump start on plans so all wrinkles can get ironed out sooner rather then later. Right now we are just putting this out there to see how many might be interested. We will be booking reservations in a few weeks.

We are looking at a campground in Ravensdale, Washington. Called Kanaskat-Palmer State Park. If we do find something better we will change it. So this is going to be the weekend of September 7-9 which is the weekend after Labor Day.

It'll be like years before LOTS of HEAT and FUN!!! For those who have kids or significant others who aren't into the hot stuff there will be plenty of non spicy foods. Just like before everyone is encouraged to bring a dish as well as anything you may want to test out with the rest of us chileheads (peppers, sauces, salsas, etc.)

This is just the start of plans. More information and details to come.... keep an eye out!

FYI-just to clarify-the Northwest includes... All of Washingtonstate, Oregon state, British Columbia, the Yukon, Alaska -Most of California, NM, AZ, UT, CO, WY,MT, all of ID, Alberta, and parts of HI -any person temporarily in any of the afore-mentioned areas for purpose of business or pleasure -anyone who used to live in the afore-mentioned areas -anyone who has traveled in the afore-mentioned areas -anyone who has a relative living in, or who used to live in the aforementioned areas -anyone who would like to travel to or live in in the aforementioned areas......

If anyone has any input on any of this let us know. Our ears are open :)

:woohoo: LET'S GET THE PARTY STARTED!!!!! :woohoo:
Souns good! :dance: count me in!
Yippee!!! Another chilehead :)

I can't wait. After I pop this kid out its time for full blown pepper initiation for this chick!!! Hopefully by the time Chilefest 2012 rolls around I will be ready .... ok maybe your never really ready but I am going to try.

Question for those attending....
I think I am going to attempt to make a 'hot' cheesecake. So would you guys prefer chocolate douglah or regular cheesecake with fatalii? I am making my own surprise cheesecake. The other will be borrowed from Justaguy. :)
I just made our reservation in site #24, BUT, it appears we can't just reserve and then cancel later. You have to actually put it on a credit card to get the reservation.

So, unfortunately, I'm not going to reserve for everyone and have 8 campsites put on my cc.

I'll be sending out a PM to those likely campers. Try to get sites 25-31. That looks like a good area with a mix of trailer sites and tent sites.

Megan, maybe you can edit the first post to say "Get your reservations now" in the subtopic line. (click edit in your first post, go to use full editor, there you can edit the topic and subtopic).
Hey Ann, we just got back from the campground. The place looks great, however, if we're planning on there being more people this time around there may not be enough room at the individual campsites. We may need to rent out one of those BBQ covered areas. My wife has pictures for you. Also #24 appeared smaller than some of the others near there. #34 looks to be bigger and near #31 which is a handicapped site. Should work out great for anyone with a handicap sticker/plate. Just a little info for you.
Ok here's some pictures of sites and the gorgeous river (remember everyone we only have internet through our cell phones so all my pics are cell pics)







Edited first picture I had doubles of it posted, sorry.

Sorry about picture quality. Like I said phone pictures.
Thanks for the pics.

So most of the campsites are separated by trees? When I looked at the reservations this morning #31 ada was not available, so I went for #24. If some of the other ones are more open so we could kinda un-offocially group camp, I'll change the rez.
Yes there are alot of trees its very woodsy. Beautiful in my opinion. Campsites are easy to walk from one to another. I think it'll be a blast. Kitchen shelter is right next to the gorgeous river. We are going for 27.
We got #26, and it says there's power, so we're bringing a boom box and a microwave. Man I love camping.
We're also thinking about bringing the truck and utility trailer so we can bring or Grill. We'll be tenting it but having our grill, and a microwave will take the sting out of sleeping on the ground.
So who got #25?
I'm starting to get a little pumped.
We got #26, and it says there's power, so we're bringing a boom box and a microwave. Man I love camping.
We're also thinking about bringing the truck and utility trailer so we can bring or Grill. We'll be tenting it but having our grill, and a microwave will take the sting out of sleeping on the ground.
So who got #25?
I'm starting to get a little pumped.

No need for a grill when you got a microwave, microwave hot dogs BOOYAH :lol:
I'm glad you guys got #27! Right across from us. Just please keep the noisy, drunken, tomfoolery shenanigans to a minimum! LOL
Question for those attending....
I think I am going to attempt to make a 'hot' cheesecake. So would you guys prefer chocolate douglah or regular cheesecake with fatalii? I am making my own surprise cheesecake. The other will be borrowed from Justaguy. :)

My preferred cheesecake? YES :)

Love the pics - looks like a great place for the fest!
This is going to be sssooo fun!

ALL that plan on CAMPING PLEASE RESERVE NOW! Hopefully everyone can get in the same area that way. Read through thread to see see who is where.
Yep, Mona and I have #25.....

If anyone outside our group snags a camping spot within our reach, they will be tied to a tree and spicy culinary experiments will be tried on them first.

"Hey buddy! Does this taste good? Do the Butch T Scorpions make it hot?" :mouthonfire:
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