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my wife and i are intersted....we will have a three month old boy at about that time......i will google map it so i can plan better....mabey i can get my brother and his family to go also, he is stationed at ft lewis
firefighter, are you in Independance, ID? Fort Lewis is pretty close. I'm guessing....30-45 minutes away? HabaneroHeatFamily is in Buckley which is pretty close to Ft Lewis also. Megan, how far away do you figure to the park? That''d be cool if you guys can make it. Reserve if you think you can. I don't think there's a penalty if you cancel the reservation in a certain time frame, but I'll check for sure.

I've posted this before, but if anyone needs a tent, I have 2 that can be borrowed. One's a 3 person tent, the other's a 2-room (6?) person tent.

Edit- from the state park website-
Canceling individual site reservations - campsites, cabins, yurts, platform tents, vacation houses or Adirondack shelters:
  • If you cancel a reservation eight or more days prior to your scheduled arrival date, the cancel fee is $8.50 online or $10.50 by calling the Reservation Center.
  • If you cancel a reservation seven or fewer days prior to your scheduled arrival date, you pay for two nights.
  • Last-minute reservations: If you cancel a reservation that was made seven or fewer days prior to arrival, you still pay for two nights.

I'd encourage all who might probably come to go ahead and reserve as the campground will fill up. If you can't make it, there will probably be some new people who would be happy to take a spot. There'll be other kids there, hope you can make it with the baby. And there will be other moms there who would be happy to help with the baby...(ME ME ME ME ME!) :)
Fort Lewis is about an hour away.... maybe a little more if you drive like a grandma.

As far as kids are concerned we are more then likely going to have our two there by then my daughter will be 2 1/2 but seeing how my son is still in the oven he will be around 7 months old. So I understand it maybe scary to take a baby camping but the earlier they get out in the world the better I think. And as Ann said plenty of mom's around to lend a hand. Hope to see y'all there :)
Just googled it. (It's near Salem, for the rest of y'all) so that wouldn't be too bad of a trip. There's a short-cut from I-5 through Puyallup and up to the park. Hope you can make it.
Your right SL. If anyone needs help with directions let me know. I have lived here my entire life basically within 45mins of where I am at now. I live about 25mins from the park. But like I said let me know your location and I'll give you the shortest directions I know.

This will be epic!!!!!! DONT MISS IT!!!

I haven't checked this post out in a long time. Come back and it appears there may be 3 more families coming. SWEET! ! This year may turn into the most ridiculous chilehead party ever.

Hey Ann, any ideas yet on a contest?
Quick refresher-

We have the picnic shelter rented for the day on Saturday for whatever chile shenanigans and hot-stuff eatings may happen.

Several folks have campsites reserved for Fri/Sat/ camping. If you reserve a campsite and decide to cancel in the last week, it's (something like) $12 cancellation fee for the state park campsite. BUT- it seems like this campground fills up with reservations.

Last year, we started looking for a camp ground or other place to have a get-together in July. Kanasket-Palmer camp ground was totally booked in July. This is why we are looking to book so early this year. Having it on the WetSide of WA makes it more accessible for many chilehead daytrippers in the Puget Sound area.

Come one, come all,....we'll have some fun, and if anyone has any HINT of camping, book your space!

And I only say that because we are dealing with a State Park. And Most good state park reservations fill up early n the season. I just don't want people to miss out on a reservation~~~ Still looking for the "next" venue......
Hey Ann. I think you have deserved the right to have it on your side of the Cascades after this next one. We can get a bus and round everyone up if necessary. :halo:
Round 'em up! :lol: Thanks, CA.

There's been mention of next year on the "dry side" of the hills. I keep my eye out for a good next venue. If anyone has any ideas...shout it out ... or send a pm. !

This year on the Green River will be fun. It's in the state park, so I hope people who want to camp will get their reservations in.

(still musing on a hot food challenge......:halo:......)
That sounds awesome to me - but when I win the lottery in the meantime, you're all comin' over in a limo caravan!!!!!! (and you KNOW that's gonna make the nwcn blotter!!!!!) just be prepared.....................that is all.....;)
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