• This is the place to discuss all spicy commerical products, not just sauce!

O so spicy

Well out of all the hot sauces I've tried I must say Count Douglah is one of the hottest sauces it just tore up my guts, shit blood for three days, not recommended for people with weak stomach linings! The sauce comes from bhut camp.Eatin this sauce built up my tolerance and now I'm able to eat holy jolokia by Cajohns, without breaking a sweat and no ear pain.

It tastes excellent but the after effects are very brutal!I love the blazing heat without any bad extract flavor.I have built a pretty good tolerance,I can eat pickled chocolate habs like candy now!
I'm too freaking old to be $hitting blood. :flamethrower:

Last weekend I had a pizza with one large Bhut, two medium Choc Bhuts and a medium TS. All with no blood!! :mouthonfire:

I didn't know that bhut camp was in the sauce business. :P
Well out of all the hot sauces I've tried I must say Count Douglah is one of the hottest sauces it just tore up my guts, shit blood for three days, not recommended for people with weak stomach linings! The sauce comes from bhut camp.Eatin this sauce built up my tolerance and now I'm able to eat holy jolokia by Cajohns, without breaking a sweat and no ear pain.


maybe you're the one with some weak linings somewhere in your body if you crapped blood for 3 days :shocked:
ear pain :shocked: never heard of anyone getting ear pain from eating hot sauces.
if that happened to me I'd make a appointment with the doctor!

other than that congrats on a hot sauce you like.
maybe you're the one with some weak linings somewhere in your body if you crapped blood for 3 days :shocked:
ear pain :shocked: never heard of anyone getting ear pain from eating hot sauces.
if that happened to me I'd make a appointment with the doctor!

other than that congrats on a hot sauce you like.

I get ear pain from super hots. Thats when you know its hot, my other friends get hiccups, I get ear pain. Its pretty intense!