• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

OCD 2023

Been debating on growing or starting a GLOG. Doing both. I had some Goats Weed and Pusa Sadabahar plants from last year. I overwintered. Kept them in the kitchen window until a few weeks ago. Set up my tent and threw them in there. They were flowering like crazy and had pods on them in the kitchen window. I recently crossed the GoatsWeed with the Sadabahar. Should be interesting.

43 seeds sowed. And more germinating. This will be a container grow. We’ll see what pops.

Here is my list:

UFO Habanero (Mine)
Ring of Fire
BOCx Aji Pineaplle
Blue Ghost Peach
WHP2 Scotch
Scotch Brains Red
Coyote Zan White
Aji Charapita
Hellfire Weed
Freeport Orange
7pot Primo
Habanero x Bahamian Goat
Peach Fatalii
Borg 9 Purple/Red
BrainStrain (Mine)
Scotch Brain
Reaper Peach Bhut
Telin x LemonDrop F2 from Mike. (Couldn’t find any later version of this. And Mike hasn’t seem to be on the sight recently)
Bonda Mahala (windchicken)
Forbing Naga (windchicken)
Bhut Ghost Peach
Red Thai
Thai Hot (Strain2)
Jamaican Gold
California Reaper Peach
Serrano Tampiqueno
Hatch Red Hot
Aji Caballero
Scotch Bonnet Red (Strain3)
Tabasco Greenleaf
NU Mex Pumpkin Spice Jalapeño
Jamaican Hot Yellow
Orange Habanero
BOC Reaper (Red)
Tepin x Lemon Drop (TownsEnd)
BOC Reaper (063)
Primo (windchicken)

I’m sure there may be a couple I left out.

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Well it’s been a month since my last entry. Nothing much to report. Pots have been filled for awhile waiting for plant up. Been hardening them off in the kitchen window. It will help. The smaller plants get rotated back and forth to the tent.

Aero babies are doing alright. Going to try some Kratky and maybe DWC. We’ll see. That’s it for now. Don’t trust the Colorado weather just yet. They usually say the week after Mother’s Day. 81 today, 43 at night.

Happy growing!

Oh, I’ll be trying to get caught up with your GLOGs. Been busy with home repairs and such. Need an 8th day to get anything done around here. 😂


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Made my lean to this morning. Took a couple hours. I like things to be as perfect as possible when I build stuff. South facing. Has electricity on one side and water on the other. It will make a good sunroom slash greenhouse. Obviously not finished. I need to draw up some configurations and see what I like. I’ll brace it up some and figure out a side door.


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Looking good! Should be a big plus for hardening off plants and extending the harvest season.
Made my lean to this morning. Took a couple hours. I like things to be as perfect as possible when I build stuff. South facing. Has electricity on one side and water on the other. It will make a good sunroom slash greenhouse. Obviously not finished. I need to draw up some configurations and see what I like. I’ll brace it up some and figure out a side door.
User name checks out ;)
Looking good! Should be a big plus for hardening off plants and extending the harvest season.

User name checks out ;)
😂 Thanks!

It should do well. I’m curious to see what the day temps will be in the Winter. The decking gets warm.

Yeah I’m only OCD when it comes to things I’m passionate about. 🤔 I’m actually moderate ADHD diagnosed.😆

Thanks for stopping by!
Looking good Chuck! Should be rock-solid with that frame. Nicely done!
Time to start potting up. Just thought I would share the difference in my Tabasco Peach Aerobaby vs the soil grown. Both plants are 27 DAYS OLD from sprout. The soil plant just started showing a root tip in the bottom of the container.

I plan on making a bigger scale version for starts. I have no problems going from hydro to soil. No shock at all. Been doing it for nearly a decade.


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Laying out the roof. Glad I went with the tint. It provides some shade. Screwing it is going to be tedious. Nothing new about that, I know the drill. Pun intended. 😉

I think it'll be good the way it is. I believe I need to add a couple more braces for snow. Although it should slide off with the heat for the sun. I’ve had no real plans from the start. I’ve been designing along the way. We shall see if it pays off.


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Nice! Superclustets. How do they taste?
Nothing special. Typical floral seasoning pepper. Like cayenne. They are prolific, hot and from India.

I’m growing a cross between the Pusa Sadabahar and the Goats Weed (Black Cobra). We shall see how that turns out. I like both those varieties.

Here is a little info from Indian Agriculture Institute.

Technical information for Pusa Sadabahar of chilli.

“It produces fruits in cluster. Fruit bearing is upright. Generally 5-8 fruits per cluster. Yield potential is 8.0-10.0 tons/ha during first year. The plants are perennial in nature i.e. it can be kept in the same field for 2-3 years however, the yield gets reduced. It is tolerant to leaf curl virus but susceptible to tospo virus.”
Plant height is 60.0-80.0 cm. Growth habit is upright. Leaves are dark green and broad.

(This is one of their pics.)


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Nothing special. Typical floral seasoning pepper. Like cayenne. They are prolific, hot and from India.

I’m growing a cross between the Pusa Sadabahar and the Goats Weed (Black Cobra). We shall see how that turns out. I like both those varieties.

Here is a little info from Indian Agriculture Institute.

Technical information for Pusa Sadabahar of chilli.

“It produces fruits in cluster. Fruit bearing is upright. Generally 5-8 fruits per cluster. Yield potential is 8.0-10.0 tons/ha during first year. The plants are perennial in nature i.e. it can be kept in the same field for 2-3 years however, the yield gets reduced. It is tolerant to leaf curl virus but susceptible to tospo virus.”
Plant height is 60.0-80.0 cm. Growth habit is upright. Leaves are dark green and broad.

(This is one of their pics.)
Those look amazing! I'd like to try some of those.
Nice greenhouse, can’t wait to see it finished. You have given me ideas for myself. What size pipe is that you used for the frame?
The pipe is 1 3/8” top rail fence. For chain link. Any Lowe’s or Home Depot sells it. I bought a kit from Amazon just for the 1 3/8”. 1 3/8” is the same size I built the hoophouse out off. Very strong for the application.

There are some kits that will accept EMT electrical. Which is usually cheaper. You can get the kits in smaller sizes and bigger sizes as well. I will post some links for you when I get home.
Nice greenhouse, can’t wait to see it finished. You have given me ideas for myself. What size pipe is that you used for the frame?
Another option is buying a portable shed from Amazon for cheap. You can make a nice house from that as well. If you prefer hoops, look for FREE Trampolines on Facebook Market place. People try and get rid of those death traps all the time. It’s a big circle. Cut it half and it’s two hoops.

We’ll here are some links. Mine is from Amazon. I’ll be ordering a kit from Sacramento for a bbq /smoking canopy. I’ll use the EMT for that. I believe EMT is thinner wall. But, if you brace it up and enclose it, it will be just fine. Plus, you can find EMT used for cheap. Left over from jobs in construction. Let me know if I can help. It’s not my specialty, but I am mechanical.

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Dam! This has to be the dustiest glog this year. I wasn’t planning on posting weekly updates. But this is ridiculous. 😂

Here is a well overdue update. Bugs got me bad this year. Earwigs! Set traps and took care of them. Small container with some kind of going oil, vegetable or canola and some hard boiled egg shell. Those bastards will crawl in there and die. I set about a dozen out. Got one average 20-30 in each trap every night. It’s taken most of the summer to get them all. I don’t have anymore problems. They ate the tops of all my plants.

Tried to post a video of plants, but couldn’t figure it out. I use a iPhone. Gave up on PC’s along time ago.

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Well. Another neglected GLOG. Not much to report. Same old story. Everything is starting to bloom and Fall is here. It’s been around 40 degrees the past couple weeks at night.

On a positive note! I grew a bunch of bonnets and such. Had a variety called ScotchYellow. Grew numerous of these plants. One in particular gave off a different pod. A elongated thin skinned red. Nice sweet flavor with a hotter than grocery store habanero. I will pull the plant indoors and isolate some flowers. This is a keeper.

Also, the Tabasco Peach is a hardy good producer. Also a keeper.

As for my personal hybrid cross. Sadabahar x Goatweed. Nothing yet. I pollinated Sadabahar with Goatsweed pollen. Plants are fuzzy, so that’s a bonus. They have grown very tall. Saddy trait. Those will come indoors as well.

Hydro kitchen window plants are phenomenal! Air stone and one water change since the beginning. No added nutrients. No root rot and some of the best looking plants I’ve ever grown.

Little plant pic is a mutant. Got one seed out of it. This is as big as it’s got since April? I’ll have to look.

Three plants by themselves are my Saddy/Goat cross.

Other pics. New Mexican Pumpkin Spice Jalapeño, Scotch Yellow, Bleeding Rawit Purple.

Not Scotch Yellow (sweetheat)