contest Octoberfest?? TD

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Since I don't see anyone started this yet, I figured I would. Maybe just anxed to get another crown under my avatar, but looking forward to another TD.

I know generally we do octoberfest for october, if we keep the same theme I liked the idea that was thrown out there with sausages. But what are your ideas?
So we've had conversations about possibly locking down some months of the year to specifically target a theme, and maybe take some stress off El Jefe. Oktoberfest, German food and beer, seems to be a running theme for this month. Should we lock this month to the Oktoberfest theme?
I like homemade Brats, but I think limiting it to that would be a mistake. If we just say ANY German food, we open it up to more variety... but it's still specific enough. And German beer is a must inclusion.
My wifes dad put in an in ground fire pit, I'm thinking there's a Spanferkel in my future :) Just gotta find some people to come over and eat it with us.
Is that all the Germans have is sausage and brats? Maybe a potato here and there.

In celebration of oktoberfest you could always do cookin with beer... suttin like that.
My wifes dad put in an in ground fire pit, I'm thinking there's a Spanferkel in my future :) Just gotta find some people to come over and eat it with us.

Is that an open invitation? (mini-cf in the works???)

In celebration of oktoberfest you could always do cookin with beer... suttin like that.

I always cook with beer... or wine..... sometimes I even manage to put food on the table...

Wife's out of town, probably a spankferkle in my future too...

TMI, DUDE!!!! tmi....
Gotta admit, we had to cook with beer two Octobers ago, and I'm not keen on that. Much prefer that a German beer has to go with than requiring it to be a cooking ingredient, but whatev.
Oktoberfest sound good, and I agree with geeme to not have german beer as a required ingredient in the dish. On the side, absolutely! Our local resources for German beers is extremely limited, and not necessarily good.

HH81, <3 U!

ps, Nice BLING!

edit- OH! Chile Juju has German ancestry, and she sent some hops to hwheebz to make a special beer, therefore, the special beer is German in origin.....and hwheebz promised a couple bottles to the NW... ...:lightbulb:...

how long does it take to make and bottle a kettle of beer?????
Someone say hhwiskey?

SL, it was my Dad that was German, and that's who CJ learned to cook the good Deutsch Lebensmittel.
Hey, I got my own German blood too! And then it was Polish. And then German again. Damn border towns! hahahaha
But it was my pops-in-law that gave me skeeels.

I talked to Wheebz this week, and I think he said he was tapping the beer next week. But I might have misunderheard him.
Not sure if he can send any tho - legalities and all that.

But we could always take a li'l day trip to Leavenworth SL!!!!!!!! Brau Galore!!!!!!!! :party: WHOOT!!!!!!!
Wife's out of town, probably a spankferkle in my future too...
She hates german food. That's what I ment. What were you thinking???

uuummm....pretty self- expanitory! spankferlkes..... REALLY?!?!??? :eek:


Someone say hhwiskey?

SL, it was my Dad that was German, and that's who CJ learned to cook the good Deutsch Lebensmittel.
Hey, I got my own German blood too! And then it was Polish. And then German again. Damn border towns! hahahaha
But it was my pops-in-law that gave me skeeels.

I talked to Wheebz this week, and I think he said he was tapping the beer next week. But I might have misunderheard him.
Not sure if he can send any tho - legalities and all that.

But we could always take a li'l day trip to Leavenworth SL!!!!!!!! Brau Galore!!!!!!!! :party: WHOOT!!!!!!!

OK, I knew there was some Oktoberrfest lineages in there some where. Glad you guys got it all sorted out for me and the rest of the gang.

CJ......Leavenworth....RoadTrip?????? oh YEA!!!!! You-n-me, Girl!

HH- ask that local store what kind of "special stuff" they may have behind the counter. I'm thinking, like the Mexican restaurants that serve the basic salsa, but if you ask for the "house" salsa, then you get the spicy stuff...
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