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contest Octoberfest?? TD

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Oh heck no Aaron! You owe me!! I'm running there the week before and staying there till I get some food!! I might even help buy some of the ingredients.. But only if they take stamps, that way all tax payers are supporting your next crown lol
Is that all the Germans have is sausage and brats? Maybe a potato here and there.

In celebration of oktoberfest you could always do cookin with beer... suttin like that.

I like the idea of cooking with beer...relax the normal Oktoberfest requirements...not that they were any tighter than Scovie's hhwwhhweeeskiees hole on a Saturday night...

2 years ago...I entered my first TD. It was Oktoberfest 2010...I made Carnitas with beer.
I'm about not requiring cooking with beer - if you want to, go ahead, but there are many wonderful German foods that would not benefit from being cooked in beer, IMO. Prefer to have a glass with the meal.

But then, I've said that already!
I'm about not requiring cooking with beer - if you want to, go ahead, but there are many wonderful German foods that would not benefit from being cooked in beer, IMO. Prefer to have a glass with the meal.

But then, I've said that already!

How many days will it sit in the fridge with plastic wrap G? :) jk
Oh Snap!

If we're doing any sort of Octoberfest TD....I'll hedge my bets on HH...just sayin'!

That guy rocks out some serious German sheeit.....I'll hafta peddle hard to even keep up.

But I'll say THIS.....Imma gunnin' for ya Schãtzchen!!!!!!
Hold the phone...... last Octoberfest all I could eat was the cabbage. Needless to say cabbage does have effects on bowels. Anywho, I hope I can eat more then cabbage this time.
No, YOU hold the phone...

Last October, you were prego! (that's Italian for pregnant).

There was more juju effects on your bowels than just cabbage.

If your dad has a hole in the ground with Aarons pig in it, and you're hungry.....

Well.... You do the math. Unless you're prego again. :rofl:

WHOA, WHOA, WHOA. YOU HOLD THE PHONE SD. There will be no more of my satans spawn growing in her belly (well at the very least not yet, who knows what will happen in the future). :wink::lol:


I was just sayin, when you do your TD with a pork in the ground, and if Megan is Hungry, she should be able to eat more than Cabbage.
You two should get a room!

Or two rooms with a connecting door. :dance:
Whoa - I feel for the Aussies that stumble on THIS portion of this thread!!!!!!!!!!


This here is an OctoberFest LoveFEST!

Bring it Bioooootches!!!!!!

carry on......
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