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Odd Jalapenos

I have had this jalapeno plant that I bought early in the season. Several months ago 2 pods formed (the one's on the botton}, but I think their growth was stunted because of Washington's cold and late-to-come spring. I never picked them because I wanted to see if they would get bigger or turn red. They did turn red weeks ago and they have some pretty cool corking. Question: should I have picked them long ago to help the rest of the pod's growth? Even though other jalapenos are now looking more normal, the plant remained very small with little growth. I have other jalapeno plants that are normal size, just this one stopped growing. Would picking the early pods help the plant get bigger?
Those ripe pods are done sucking up energy from your plant. However, you can get revenge for what they did earlier, by eating them. They look delicious - nice corking and color. In my garden, that kind of pod doesn't make it past my next breakfast.
by taking off all the pods, it'll help make the plant grow larger by lessening the load on the plant as making fruit is priority to plants. if that's what you want. but if you don't and let the fruit ripen / grow bigger then that's up to you. =D