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offbeat or a new sign in weather?

I have noticed in the last few years the humidity has been rather high then it takes the sudden cold front..Ok right now Potawie you can be the first to call me crazy lol....the last few years..massave low clouds,vortexes near tornadoes with the odd one not here thank god....The reason im ranting is tonight about 10 mins from me and 1 min from my cousins farm well something hit..Tore up the aluminum from his house,broke a few trees he put my railroad ties on top of his firepit to hold all the burnables down till he lit the fire..they were 40 ish feet away the whole pit was blown away all scattered across the farmfield..My buddy was out on his bike with friends a few miles away when his wife texted him it felt like the trailer was lifting..thank god her dad was there with her(new baby)He raced home to find everything ripped up..ripped the cap off of his truck, the hood on the yukon is done now it was on the safety latch but blew up and folded over the winshield..I mean you dont see this weather here... Growing up in Toronto I didnt know what a tornado was..I moved here when I was 18 and still till recent....There was a tornado here once that followed the tracks and dissapeared..I was 18 at the time im 35 now and it seems now every year its a big threat...WTF....Is it mother nature causing havoc or is it global warming
Ive noticed something similar here, not many tornadoes here though. more severe and sudden changes in weather. And it seems that our seasons have all shifted sideways by a month, getting frosts at christmas time now.
We had tornados all the time outside of Sarnia but growing up there used to be snow up there in the winters too, not any more.
I'm just happy that after two summers of near non-stop rain, the jet-stream seems to have moved south giving our neighbors all the snow and rain. I'm also glad we're getting rain today, its been super dry so far and lake levels are way down and dirt roads were so dusty:(
Climate change happens. In cycles much bigger than the human lifetime-but sometimes, the change is relatively sudden. Dont know that we've been measuring it long enough for us to say whether we've "caused" it.

I would just like for Hail Season to be over, as it is seriously inhibitng my hardening off process. Some years Saint Louis has an "Ice Storm" season, some years its "tornado season" this year it seems to be "Hail Season".