Official Bubblegum 7 Pot thread

I was hoping mine would be pebbled and convoluded but basically smooth.

I have gotten away from the superhot craze for the most part but I am super impressed with this plant.The thickness of the branches makes me shake my head. The way the flowers are positioned is great also. This is truly a unique superhot pepper! Not the same theme or a seed mix up that leads to a new,old strain. My hat is off...

I would agree mine barely open similar to my readers and then it either forms or drops

KiNGDeNNiZ said:
That's the first time I've seen flowers open that wide jon.... most.of mine up..but soon later become a pod

Orange bbg7 on the right ... IRL. It's more blood orange
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
That's the first time I've seen flowers open that wide jon.... most.of mine up..but soon later become a pod
Orange bbg7 on the right ... IRL. It's more blood orange
Not sure why. Mine are always fully open,even after a storm tonight they stayed open when the rest of my plants closed up.



I will say one thing,the flowers are small for a superhot chinense.
Has anyone tried eating a piece of the stem shoulder(lower red part only) to see if there is any flavor or heat there?
Yes. There's heat. I slicedar the stem and.licked it.. heat is present
appareantly.. John ford has the orange ones.. BUTCH taylor has turning caramel (as is another member on this forum) and Grant Huster of Jungle rain has a YELLOW???
Ocho Cinco said:
I have eaten the lower part of the stem and it was just as hot as the pod!
Wow, so that really is a unique the color is there for a reason, and not just for looks....we should examine that further to see if the stem, and how much is edible. If so it would be interesting to see what could be created from just the lower edible portion of the stem...even if its just dehydrated stem powder.
KiNGDeNNiZ said:
Yes. There's heat. I slicedar the stem and.licked it.. heat is present
appareantly.. John ford has the orange ones.. BUTCH taylor has turning caramel (as is another member on this forum) and Grant Huster of Jungle rain has a YELLOW???
So there are orange and caramel colored bubblegums out there? Do they exhibit the same characteristics?
I'm finally catching up guys.  I also have a monster in my raised bed and a couple slowly getting there in some fabric pots.  The ones in the DWC buckets are dead unfortunately XD.
this is the aquaponic one though


Looks like it has the "mean calyx" you guys are pointing out
my plants are so close... ill post pictures tonight....... I did in my spare time.... cross some bbg7 pollen on a carolina reaper plant.. (once it takes ill start my hybrid experiment, over winter..)
Hey so of all the seed sources out there for Bubblegum 7, who has had the truest grow in your own experience?
Also, has anyone grown seeds from Buckeye's yet? how'd they turn out?