Official Bubblegum 7 Pot thread

solid7 said:
Not to worry.  Plants with huge leaves are usually symptomatic of too much nitrogen.  You can get away with that indoors, but outdoors, it's often a screaming invitation for aphids and/or whitefly infestations.
Plants with smaller leaves also tend to put on more pods. than the huge leaf variety, in my general experience.  Do not be discouraged by normal sized leaves.  Big leaves do not mean better plants! :)
Although I'm unsure of this, it seems to make sense because my aquaponics plant is the only one with massive leaves, the rest seem normal.  Trust me, I do nitrate readings on a regular basis of my water and I could easily add another 8x8' grow tank to my system.  Basically I don't have enough plants to filter out the nitrates.  It's a catch 22 with carp...they're very dirty/oily fish but they are also extremely nitrate/nitrite resistant.  One of my other plants is rather large but that's because of the grow method I'm experimenting with...its leaves are about "medium" sized compared to the rest of them and the one in aquaponics respectively.  Large leaves being a result of excess nitrogen, in my observations, could be quite plausible.
That being said, wtf are the rest of you feeding your plants?  lol
Unsure of the seed source but I got a little brown action going on also, but more elongated pods. Got a handful of plants from pierman and this 1 plant just started turning to this.

red,,,orange... yellow and now brown... unheard of....and to think all have bleeding calyx.. id be nice if one person like chris can get pods and capture all the colors....
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
I am blown away at that brown Bubblegum that is forming in Pr0digal_son garden.  If I am not mistaken you grew this variety last year and saved seeds.  The calyx is already turning brown great looking pods congrats to John! The speed at which new pods are being introduced is mind boggling.
Hey Cappy,I received the seeds last winter from a friend. I am sure this is an outcross and not a mutation. I will grow it out next season and see what happens. I am not going to pass these out and add to the insanity.

solid7 said:
Not to worry.  Plants with huge leaves are usually symptomatic of too much nitrogen.  You can get away with that indoors, but outdoors, it's often a screaming invitation for aphids and/or whitefly infestations.
Plants with smaller leaves also tend to put on more pods. than the huge leaf variety, in my general experience.  Do not be discouraged by normal sized leaves.  Big leaves do not mean better plants! :)
Trinidadian superhots have huge leaves in general.
Too cool. Been away for a year and come back to all these awesome new varieties and mutations. This is definitely something I am interested in growing out. Anyone have some seed for an sasbe, or for trade?
Pr0digal_son said:
Trinidadian superhots have huge leaves in general.
I won't dispute that, but the leaves pictured aren't the natural size.  They're "helped". :)
wayright said:
Diggin how the pods are just dripping off of your plants P Son! 
Mine have huge leaves also .,,I use zero NPK go figure  ;)
I grow organic, so I also don't dose "NPK", but I still get the occasional huge leaf, depending on conditions.  In the early part of our growing season, when it's cool at night, and warm during the day, the plants have explosive growth, and the first leaves are gigantic.  I use lots of alfalfa before the heat shows up, so I can get growth before the bugs kick in.  Later on, the leaves get progressively smaller.  Before the growing season (at least the pod producing season) taps out, I see tons of small leaves, and shit loads of pods.
But regardless of any of that, I reiterate resolutely - there is no need to worry if one doesn't see huge leaves.  It's by no means a sign of overall plant health.  The most convincing sign of plant health is an abundance of fruit. :)
Have a second plant throwing chocolate pods now too. Have 2 pods probably ready to pick now and a few more a few days away. Guessing there will be a bunch of people wanting seeds. If so pm me for address to send sase to. Will have a contest as soon as I pick the first couple for seeds and maybe a few pods also.
solid7 said:
I won't dispute that, but the leaves pictured aren't the natural size.  They're "helped". :)

I'm not 100% sure what you are getting at? I put down a 6 month granular(first time using) 2 weeks before transplant in early June and let nature run it's course. Twice in the 3 month period after,I misted with epsom salts and 2 3 1 fish/kelp emulsion.

Prolificacy isn't contingent upon plant health either,some varieties are genetically more prolific. The upper canopy on a mature plant has more nodes equalling more fruit,you are stating the obvious.

If you have any info that would help me grow nicer plants or photos to show me what to do,it would be appreciated. I am always trying to improve year to year.
Seacowboy said:
Have a second plant throwing chocolate pods now too. Have 2 pods probably ready to pick now and a few more a few days away. Guessing there will be a bunch of people wanting seeds. If so pm me for address to send sase to. Will have a contest as soon as I pick the first couple for seeds and maybe a few pods also.
Very cool. Your plant looks like a natural mutation. I would rather have that rather than an outcross.
Pr0digal_son said:
I'm not 100% sure what you are getting at? I put down a 6 month granular(first time using) 2 weeks before transplant in early June and let nature run it's course. Twice in the 3 month period after,I misted with epsom salts and 2 3 1 fish/kelp emulsion.

Prolificacy isn't contingent upon plant health either,some varieties are genetically more prolific. The upper canopy on a mature plant has more nodes equalling more fruit,you are stating the obvious.

If you have any info that would help me grow nicer plants or photos to show me what to do,it would be appreciated. I am always trying to improve year to year.
Nobody is putting down your plants, for Christ's sake. Just trying to give the other guy some assurance that there is nothing wrong with his.
I'll have to see if this goes red after the orangish color it is now. It's looking very orange on about 6 peppers so far. My other plant has lots of peppers but none ripening yet.
I think we will end up seeing a lot of really cool things to come from this pepper. Still hope one of my 14 turns out to be brown/chocolate.
Really looking forward to growing out my caramel moruga x bbg7 and reverse crosses I've been working on this summer.
OK, answer me this, for a true BubbleGum, the calyx needs to turn color from green to the color of the pod? Yes/no?
I ask cuz I've seen picture of some lovely BubbleGum pods where the calyx is green and I want to know, if that really isn't what the BubbleGum is about?
Too much Irish Whiskey tonight, so I hope that makes sense.
Thought for the day : "If a person feels he can't communicate, the least he can do is shut up about it." - Tom Lehrer