Official Bubblegum 7 Pot thread

Just ordered some seeds from buckeye! I have so many seeds and so little space but I think im gonna dedicate this year to bb7 because it is such an awesome looking pod! I'll be following this thread with great interest.
thirdcoasttx said:
Just ordered some seeds from buckeye! I have so many seeds and so little space but I think im gonna dedicate this year to bb7 because it is such an awesome looking pod! I'll be following this thread with great interest.
Lol. You sound like me. I've decided to do a couple plants each of around 60 varieties. I'd do more but idk about having both of my hids running at once. I'm worried about fire with children in the house.
I have a couple plants that came from the seed in pods I grew last year. Also sowed a few from this pod

And will also post on the "orange" bubblegum

Gave mine a trim

And here's Melissa's- already podding
Jon Harper from the UK, the creator of this cool breed sent me this picture today to share in this thread. He has seen many pictures of various strains of the BG7. So he wants people to know how the pods should look like.
Many thanks to Jon Harper also thanks to Megahot for starting this thread. 
Has anyone had any trouble keeping these plants going?  I have 5 BBG7 seedling plants and all of them look like they could take a turn for the worse at any point.  Two of them have leaf curl and one has leaves that are starting to brown.  I have 70 other plants, mainly superhots, and they all look much healthier.  All are getting the same amount of light and water schedule.
Can someone please describe the flavor of the bbg7? I have decided to do one dwc grow and I cant decide which variety to do. I'm extremely excited to grow the bbg7 but I want to do something in the dwc that also has good flavor. I've read that it has more of the moruga flavor is this true?
Mine are growing better than everything else I have, besides 1 cayenne that is just a speed demon. Probably going to pot them up soon and start acclimating for outdoors, the roots are so long there are about 5-6, 8 inch roots coming out the bottoms of the cups, and I'm worried about them rotting because I've been bottom watering them, also I would hate to shock them by breaking so many roots removing them when potting up, so I really should do it soon..

Thanks for the excellent seeds GH