Official Hotmaple TV / HULU Commercial

So is this stuff avalible? or still the kickstarter?  I may have my sauces mixed up also?
 I dig the commercial either way. I wish the dude in the back ground woud have been dressed different but whatever.
Kickstarter??  We've been available for 2 years...  we never kickstartered, just went right to it as we knew we had a great product & lots of interest

You can get it on or at a local grocer if you live in the PacNW

Dude in the background in the food safety / clean-suit is part of a much bigger ad campaign... he has his own commercial coming out shortly  :-) 
sicman said:
So is this stuff avalible? or still the kickstarter?  I may have my sauces mixed up also?
 I dig the commercial either way. I wish the dude in the back ground woud have been dressed different but whatever.
I like it a lot - it's funny and a bit odd, so potentially memorable. Except for the broad claim at the end.  As a consumer I am never a fan of marketing that pumps up a product or brand at the expense of others.  That ends up being the lasting impression. 
Plus there's already a pretty established sauce in your area.   Saying "Portland's most unique hot sauce" has the potential to rub some Portlandians the wrong way, especially the fans of that brand. 
It had the effect on me that my lasting impression was of that other brand, not yours, so it's a bit counterproductive. When someone says "the best in Chicago!" or "the tastiest habanero sauce on the market!" for examples, (or any other style or location-specific hyperbolic description), in my mind I start to compare it to others, so it's kind of a distraction. 
That's my knee-jerk feedback - I do like the commercial, but the tag line notsomuch.  Hope you get what I mean here - totally intended as constructive feeedback. :cheers: 
Out of curiosity, what's the cost for a 30 second Hulu commercial? 
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
That's my knee-jerk feedback - I do like the commercial, but the tag line notsomuch.  Hope you get what I mean here - totally intended as constructive feeedback. :cheers:

Out of curiosity, what's the cost for a 30 second Hulu commercial? 
Great criticism, and exactly what I wanted to hear... hence why we test before the final edit :-)  

The tag line you picked up on is just some placeholder text / just needed to write something for a test. That screen actually will change for HULU -- actually it will be DYNAMIC in that it will show what local grocer to look for our sauce at based on region / zip code of the viewer.

For instance in areas of portland that screen will have the logo of New Seasons grocery with the Hotmaple Logo and just say "Hotmaple - Ask your local grocer" etc. then "Get Saucy" at the end, whereas Seattle Washington it may say "Seattle Coop" etc.

As for HULU costs, it is about $15 per every 1,000 impressions... and you don't have control of what show it appears in, but you do get to choose a demographic (People in REGION, AGE/Sex, Interests: hot sauce).  You can get very specific with HULU (which is awesome).

For the initial month of ad time we'll be looking at investing about $1,000 to get really good target exposure to 75,000 - 100,000 very specific eyes, and then ramp it down to a consistent $200 a month to maintain brand presence. 

Total budget for a year = $3k...  it is a gamble, but I've had great ROI on my ads on Facebook and Other social media - I really think HULU is at least a break-even if you can target it correctly. You probably won't convert people to an online/website purchase through HULU -- but you'll remind them to go grocery shopping and think about your product. (Traditional TV-like ad mechanisms usually enable brick and mortar shopping)

As for the ad intent, I am trying to influence new hot sauce buyers.

To grow a brand / product you have 2 choices:
1) Poach a market - which means complete for existing buyers
2) Create a new market / add market buyers

We hope to go for #2, capture the market of people who do not regularly buy hot sauce or think about it much. If we pull them in -- it grows the market share for all of us.  We should always be trying to indoctrinate new sauce-heads rather than constantly competing for the same ones everyone else is.