Lucky Dog Hot Sauce said:
That's my knee-jerk feedback - I do like the commercial, but the tag line notsomuch. Hope you get what I mean here - totally intended as constructive feeedback.
Out of curiosity, what's the cost for a 30 second Hulu commercial?
Great criticism, and exactly what I wanted to hear... hence why we test before the final edit :-)
The tag line you picked up on is just some placeholder text / just needed to write something for a test. That screen actually will change for HULU -- actually it will be DYNAMIC in that it will show what local grocer to look for our sauce at based on region / zip code of the viewer.
For instance in areas of portland that screen will have the logo of New Seasons grocery with the Hotmaple Logo and just say "Hotmaple - Ask your local grocer" etc. then "Get Saucy" at the end, whereas Seattle Washington it may say "Seattle Coop" etc.
As for HULU costs, it is about $15 per every 1,000 impressions... and you don't have control of what show it appears in, but you do get to choose a demographic (People in REGION, AGE/Sex, Interests: hot sauce). You can get very specific with HULU (which is awesome).
For the initial month of ad time we'll be looking at investing about $1,000 to get really good target exposure to 75,000 - 100,000 very specific eyes, and then ramp it down to a consistent $200 a month to maintain brand presence.
Total budget for a year = $3k... it is a gamble, but I've had great ROI on my ads on Facebook and Other social media - I really think HULU is at least a break-even if you can target it correctly. You probably won't convert people to an online/website purchase through HULU -- but you'll remind them to go grocery shopping and think about your product. (Traditional TV-like ad mechanisms usually enable brick and mortar shopping)
As for the ad intent, I am trying to influence new hot sauce buyers.
To grow a brand / product you have 2 choices:
1) Poach a market - which means complete for existing buyers
2) Create a new market / add market buyers
We hope to go for #2, capture the market of people who do not regularly buy hot sauce or think about it much. If we pull them in -- it grows the market share for all of us. We should always be trying to indoctrinate new sauce-heads rather than constantly competing for the same ones everyone else is.