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Oh Deer

How cute! It's adorable!:halo:

Ok, sorry fellers, didn't intend on soundin' like a girlie man.:oops:

The little one in the grass is just to distract you from the mother rippin' off yer veggies in the garden. HeeHee...Smart creatures they are.
Cap'n Bones said:
How cute! It's adorable!:halo:

Ok, sorry fellers, didn't intend on soundin' like a girlie man.:oops:
It's ok. He is REALLY cute, all bundled up in a ball ready to be put in the pan in the oven...errr, I mean...ya he's cute...
See Potawie, you missed your chance. You should have taken Willard's advice and poo-ed right next the baby deer. The mother deer would definitly not like that and probably be so insulted that she wouldn't come back with her baby ever again. :halo:
imaguitargod said:
Well, you've got to admit, them deer are mighty tastie!

I wasn't referring to the shooting the deer! I was referring to the "natural" method of keeping them out of the garden!

So shooting and freezing the deer or Pooping in the garden seem to be the most popular suggestion. I'm thinking of re-locating my shi*-house next to the garden and maybe my freezer too. I can even hook up my motion sensor to an automatic rifle, just gotta watch those drunken friends.
Don't forget the human hair, hab spray and last but not least, a fence.:) But not yer ordinary fence I tell ya, but a 6ft high electric fence with 3ft of razor wire at the top! If yer gonna do it, do it right!!:lol:
We have a 6 ft high just regular chain lengh fence around the backyard that keeps the deer out and the dogs in. 6ft. is a little too high for them to try to jump over.

Of course I had to put a hogwire fence around the garden to keep the dogs out...they like tomatoes!
Tina Brooks said:
I wasn't referring to the shooting the deer! I was referring to the "natural" method of keeping them out of the garden!

So......why the laughter? You don't either have trouble with deer or poop....which is it, girl?