Oh Deer

HHSauce said:
Best trick I have found and very easy to do, I take 4 tall tomato stakes and put one on each corner or if your garden is odd shaped space out as needed. Take a heavy string, nylon kite string or a bright colored (so you can see it) wrap a complete circle of string around your stakes one time stomach to chest high. A deer does not like anything touching the underside of it's neck and will turn and leave. Very effective. You can hook one side to open and enter if you need to.

Very nice idea if it works.
Considering the massive overpopulation of these 4-legged tasty meatbags, and the fact that the only common predators left are Ford and Chevy, thinning the herd seems to be the best way to go. Of course you'll have the everpresent "spotted owl people", incessantly seeking to qualify themselves by throwing red paint on you and wishing you premature death, at least until their garden and other plants get destroyed every year, start seeing the starving ones barely breathing on the side of the road due to the lack of food from the forementioned massive overpopulation, or total their Prius because the deer wasn't in the crosswalk. LOL!
I'm not a hunter, but I totally agree with the Creator. I live in the middle of white-tail territory in Lanark County. "According to Christie Curley, area biologist with the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, about 18,000 deer roam that region, the highest number since the 1950s." I don't know anyone in the area that hasn't hit a deer on the road at some point and on average, a deer can eat two to 4.5 kilograms of vegetation in one day. Rifle season opened Monday which is good but it gives all the crazy red-necks around here a license to carry guns which can be a scary thing.
Perhaps a scary thought, but look at the overall injury statistics that are caused from people hitting deer vs. hunting accidents during deer season. We recently had an incident around here, where a gentleman hit a deer, specifically a buck, and when the lovely little Bambi went through the windshield so did it's antlers through the guy's chest cavity.
DEFCON Creator said:
Perhaps a scary thought, but look at the overall injury statistics that are caused from people hitting deer vs. hunting accidents during deer season. We recently had an incident around here, where a gentleman hit a deer, specifically a buck, and when the lovely little Bambi went through the windshield so did it's antlers through the guy's chest cavity.
A fun time was had by all, eh?