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Ugh..... crazy things happening at Devil Duck Central. WAY too many to list, but I did get my peppers in this year. I also may have another little DD surprise up my sleeve.... It involves Cayenne peppers. That's all I'm saying for now.


been a long time DD...hope things are well with you...
Hey DD! I got worried about you! Don't you stay gone that long without messaging me. We were worried sick young man. :lol:

I hope all will be well on your front. I just released the first I Like Pie album (going on the radio to promote it on June 3rd)I wanted to put the one track you were working on on it, but I guess we'll have to wait till next album for that (which probably won't be long).
Passow... I haven't had a lot of time to finish up that track. Not a lot of time for much, really. I'll get crackin' on it so you can put it on your next effort.

TB.... Let's just say that I'm working on a masterpiece. The likes of which no one has seen or tasted before. ...and I'm not using anything exotic.

The reality of Devil Duck Sauces, LLC is nigh. Evil is brewing.....
Welcome back DD I was beginning to wonder!!!! LOL hhhmmmm suspense is building....what ya got up ur sleeve?? lol
Dyce51 said:
Welcome back DD I was beginning to wonder!!!! LOL hhhmmmm suspense is building....what ya got up ur sleeve?? lol

All I'm going to say right now is what I said above.... It involves Cayenne peppers and....other things.

Working on a name for it at the moment.