• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ohhh... the horror !!! (update: Al is doing a $150 ghetto greenhouse)

Ok - first post is gonna be somewhat short (typing on a tablet)...

adult male growing peppers... How uncool can my life get? why not do something more exciting, like rub coarse sand into my eyeballs or drill a hole into my kneecap and fill it with Worcester sauce ? I don't know... I maybe it's the cheapskates version of a red sportscar I am not willing to spend moneys on

I am glad I'm married - otherwise I would most Def. not be having any sex the in 2013. Did I mention that I am going bald, too?

Well back on topic...

I always liked spicy stuff, and I do like to grow stuff - so I guess I really carry the nerd deep within. But then again this makes it kind of logical to grow peppers (in a Douglas Adams kind of way).

(to be continued - need to tug the monsters in right now )

Brethren I just got here and am all out of likes hopefully these will entice you to update, hahahaha no seriously great job mon!




thx, raymon (et al) ... to be honest my glog is pretty dead ... if it werent for the fine folks over at homeland security, I guess my visitor-count would be even lower :D
so, to be honest, I post all really interesting stuff in the corresponding sections instead of burying them here  :P
current interesting stuff: moving bon scott over to a dutch bucket ... ( http://thehotpepper.com/topic/40151-moving-scotch-over-to-a-dutch-bucket-pics-update/ )
will do the other still do some updates here, but thats gonna be mostly before-after pics ...
cheers to all
Nice Great job on the dutch bucket! No need to abandon your glog, just place the links here to your other posts. I probably would have missed that one if you didn't. Keep up da great grow mon!
things are heading south for the moment :D
the biggest and baddest Scotch Bonnet (Bon Scott) of all times turned out to be the lovechilde of Michael Bolton and Kenny G. (or so) ...
details: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/40374-my-redheaded-stepchild/
the other half of my efforts went into raising passiflora vines ... after much time and effort they turned out to be .... well I donno - why dont you read for yourself
details: http://thehotpepper.com/topic/38919-help-me-id-passiflora-edulis/
well, the greenhouse was partly blown over by the strongest storm here in 10 years ... (sorry no pics, the storm ripped out my right arm and took the camera :liar: )
... but we built it up again just like they did on ground zero, better and taller (but quite a bit faster and within budget...  :D)
well, its deepish wintery here, with not too much going on growthwise ...
so I can only bring some sunshine in by using a groundbreaking cite:
"Outside of a doga book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read."
(groucho marx)
stay safe,