• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ohhh... the horror !!! (update: Al is doing a $150 ghetto greenhouse)

Ok - first post is gonna be somewhat short (typing on a tablet)...

adult male growing peppers... How uncool can my life get? why not do something more exciting, like rub coarse sand into my eyeballs or drill a hole into my kneecap and fill it with Worcester sauce ? I don't know... I maybe it's the cheapskates version of a red sportscar I am not willing to spend moneys on

I am glad I'm married - otherwise I would most Def. not be having any sex the in 2013. Did I mention that I am going bald, too?

Well back on topic...

I always liked spicy stuff, and I do like to grow stuff - so I guess I really carry the nerd deep within. But then again this makes it kind of logical to grow peppers (in a Douglas Adams kind of way).

(to be continued - need to tug the monsters in right now )

Hahahahaha I believe you on Al Gore & latest tech new ;) Now that’s funny stuff!!!
Ok, love dat getto nursery/sauna, for a minute there I thought I was looking at a Coke stand in Jamaica ;) hehehe. Nice, great job & idea!!! What ever gets the job done at the lowest cost is the way I fly too. Seedlings & plants looking a nice shade of green, so they must be loving it fa sure mon.
Whoa indoor in-ground herb garden, now that’s killa … reminds me of my mother in law’s indoor grow in V-land, it looks beautiful, great job! Awesome place for you to add them bhuts & butch T’s & others, now that’s super cool mon ^_^
Love the update Al, great awesome job … keep dem coming \o/
WalkGood said:
Ok, love dat getto nursery/sauna, for a minute there I thought I was looking at a Coke stand in Jamaica ;) hehehe. 
... if you think the sauna is ghetto, wait until I up the pics of the greenhouse (which, btw. is neither green nor in the shape of a house) :D
I didn't mean anything bad, just a term we use in da streets here and I look forward to the purplehouse if that's what it will be ;)
Edit: BTW our house is red, no joking, lols ....
easy mon... its understood that everything here is tongue in cheek ...
here is a pic of the greenhouse (or should I call it black-1//4cylinder?)
basically I am using existent infrastructure ...
there's four 3/4" 6meter long tube that is squeezed in between the metal pillars to the right and the lowish fence to the left (which has been reenforced)
Both support points have about 8" of rebar welded on, over which the tube slips

the hoops are just held in by tension (think fiberglass rods in an igloo-tent) and will be pulled in spring. the 2 reinforcing parallel tubes are just held in place with some wire and give the structure the necesary stability and are aligning the hoops. The whole structure is 30' x 20'. I hope the next couple of days will allow me to put the plastic on and tension it down (so basically its a balance act between the metal hoops pushing the film up and the strings that will push the film down (again, think tent)


basically it will look like half a version of this

lets keep fingers crossed everything works out!
ps: again, thx to Al Gore for allowing me to use his internets :D
Not yet...

I bought a roll of plastic (65yrds) it sits right there weighing 130lb.... But it has been rainy / stormy for the past couple of days. I didn't feel like manhandling 600sqft of sail in the wind :D (see pd: below)

I'm waiting for things to dry up - hopefully Monday.

Of course I will have pics coming ;-)

Cheers, Alfred

Pd: the Jamaican - ghetto sauna flew away in the last storm (the roof structure that is) - had to patch her up - shit happens I guess :D
Dang here in Tejas 1200sqft is just a stroll in the park...are you slacking there or what..LOL
edit: of course I don't know what the hell I'm talking about..but it did sound good at the time :drunk:
Rum and coke anyone?
ok, update time
bon scott got a baby! (dirty deeds, done dirt cheap?) :D

the big Scott family ... and the smaller Bhut cousins

some Moruga Scorps, Choc.Scorps, a butch, a Barrackpore and assorted tomatoes, (chicken sold separately ... :D)

I am glad for the glass in between  ;)

lets see: last weeks overview:

now this weeks overview: (whoever finds the 7 differences .... well ... he can keep them :D)

ok, if I can get a bump - I drop my pants and show the "making of the making of the non-green greenhouse"
here is a teaser ... :D

Thx 'mon - I'm on the tablet right now - will show the full () * tomorrow.

* the empty brackets () are short for the "greenhouse that is neither green nor a house" . Kinda like the artist formerly known as price :D

Thx for all the fish,
ok, we wanna see piccies, right?
here, for your reading pleasure, I laid everything out nicely :D
here is the basic structure ... its just held in between the 2 fences by pure tension - not a single nail, screw or so ... I plan to use the greenhouse only 4 month in the year - so I need to have it fairly modular to up and down it without too much hassle.

we got some 22yds of 10ft wide double folded PE-film - thats gotta go up ... my problem is I am pretty much alone so I have to be organized or things are gonna go up in flames ...

here is the same film after I sprayed on some secret radioactive emulsion that help absorb UV-rays. Needless to say, Ms. Luna the lab died instantly but without pain :D

I chose to work with 2 x 1" (3.5 yds long) and proceeded to staple the nylon down with my cosmic staplegun (normally I only manage to staple the webbing between my fingers to the 2x1" but this time I lucked out... hahaa

next step: sammich-nailing the two 2x1" together to release stress for the nylon - so basically I have one 2x2" with nylon in it. I did this along both looooong sides of the nylon - you guessed right - those "rails" will be the anchor points. There are six 2x1" in the top and six in the lower rail.

I anchored 2 ropes on the extreme parts of the top rails and with a little help from my friends, used those ropes to slide the top rail over the structure
... and ...
... and...
so - Voilá ... there you go ...

want more pics ... bump!
ok, here some more pics ...

the 2 black metal posts are to anker the blue-white shade-cloth in summertime - then I will take the nylon off
i call it the plant-penthouse :D


with a nice view on the andes ... it may not show from those pics, but we are entering winter

the tallest mountain here is the Cerro Plomo (grey montain) which is roughly 5500mts high.
I let google take the funny moment of this post with its conversion:
5500 meters = 18 044 feet 77⁄16inches :D
(give or take a few inches)  :D
cheers, Al
ps: I am currently doing some detail-work to make the greenpenthouse more storm worthy (e.g. tucking the ends in) ... I will shoot up some more pics in the next few days
I like it, doing things on the cheap and simple is the way to go when it comes to growing.
Good job there Al!
Sorry about Ms. Luna :crazy:
Devv said:
I like it, doing things on the cheap and simple is the way to go when it comes to growing.
Good job there Al!
Sorry about Ms. Luna :crazy:
she had it coming - she was a real bitch :D
well - she did not really die ... she sometimes sleeps in the most incredible positions - I really have to get close and see if she is still breathing and farting (she is as gassy as they come) ...
Al penthouse looks awesome mon and love the shot of Luna kicking back to play dead, lolz! Great update brethren, better late than never on my part, hehe. Keep up the awesome job, as Billy would say "looking marvelous!"
Glad you like it... I have a hump that the penthouse will be the place of many future adventures (and funny moments)...

Funny as in... "honey, I put a thai hot up my nose and can't get it out again"

Cheers, Al