• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

OhioGrown's First Ever Glog 7-18 update, with pics, Pods are coming!!

alright, this is the beginning of my first glog. to start, last year, i grew 4 jalapenos, 4 ghost hab's, 2 cayenne, and 1 super chili. i got decent return, especially with the ghost habaneros. This year I'm starting Trinidad Scorpions, Giant Jalapeno, and Chocolate Habaneros. I also overwintered two of my Ghost Habaneros. Here's a pic of the seeds starting, mainly the Scorpions. This is the first time I've ever started seeds, with alot of knowledge from TheHotPepper.com


Now, I know some folks don't like the peat pellets. I got an amazon gift card, and got 100 peat pellets, 100 4 inch peat pots, and 5 trays. Then i went and got a germination kit, and got started with my seeds from pepperlover.com. Here's a couple shots of my Ghost Habaneros from last year. They're in hanging baskets in my dining room, with a huge south-facing window. They seem to be doing well, since i got rid of my aphid problem a couple weeks ago. (Azamax).



So I'm going to get a cheap shelf system tomorrow and hang some lights from it for when I'm going to transplant into the peat pots. I'm still learning alot from this site. I'm afraid some of my seedlings are starting to stretch, and maybe the one in the bottom right hand corner might be damping off. I'm thinking Pro-mix, or something similar and get them in pots and under lights and a light fan soon? More research to be done.....
Yeah, I've learned not to use the peat pots anymore. I have some left and once they're gone, they won't be replaced. They do dry out pretty quick. I like the peat pellets for germinating though. It's still my first time growing from seed. I had a huge aphid problem too, but luckily I think I got rid of them. It's been 4 or 5 weeks since I've seen them. I sprayed the shit out of them with Azamax, including wetting the soil with it. I'm not sure if I'll overwinter a bunch this fall or just take clones from a bunch, and do those all winter and just start a couple new kinds of seeds next year.
Here's a few shots of my plants so far. So far, I've got the following plants in pots: Giant Jalapeno 15, Trinidad Scorpion 13, Chocolate Habanero 16.

The biggest 3 plants of them all so far Giant Jalapeno, looking a little purple:

A tray of the Trinidad Scorpions:

And a tray of the Chocolate Habaneros:

I've got 2 more Giant Jalapenos , 2 Trinidad Douglah, and 3 Orange Bhut's in the germination kit that will be ready to pot in a week or so. Thanks for checking it out.
Ok, I know it's been a while, and I struggled for a little bit with ferts, overwatering, etc, but here's the latest pics and notes from my 2013 grow. This first pic is a tray of Chocolate Habaneros. I was able to repot them out of peat pots, since their roots weren't really growing like they should. Once I got them into plastic pots, and a little farther away from the lights, they really took off!

Ok, this second pic is full of different kinds. The front row from L-R is Trinidad Scorpion, 2 Douglahs, and 2 Orange Ghost. The back row from L-R is Trinidad Scorpion, Orange Ghost, 2 Trinidad Scorpions (they're pretty big now), and finally, a decent Douglah.

And these last two pics are my Giant Jalapenos. I haven't been able to repot most of them yet (no room). They all have massive roots coming out of the bottom of the peat pots. They're a little yellow (overwatering, i think). The second pic has a really nice healthy one in the front, and a tall lanky one in the back.


So now I'm just waiting to move stuff out into my insulated workshop in the garage. I'm going to repot the Jalapenos in way bigger pots, and hang all 3 T5's over top of all of my pepper plants. I think since I repotted everything else, they should be ok until they go into the ground, and I think the Jalapenos will rebound some and be really big by the time they get planted outside. Oh, and I still have 2 Red Ghost overwinters that are dying to be back outside as well.
Today in central Ohio it got up to 45, so I got out and "woke up" my garden a little bit:

The section in front is new, it's 8x16 and full of horse manure, leaf mold, some composted kitchen scraps, and a bale of Sunshine Professional Grow Mix #3 (fine Canadian Sphagnum peat moss, vermiculite, low nutrient charge (with Gypsum) and dolomitic limestone.) The left part will be zucchini's, bell peppers, and whatever Jalapenos I have left. The right section will be corn. The middle section will be cucumbers on left, and tomatoes on right. The far section will be my peppers. I supplemented it with Ocean Forest last fall, and it's been covered since. After I was done, I put it all back to "sleep" until it's warm enough again. It's supposed to snow here tomorrow.

Cool, it seems like you're headed in the right direction. That slope looks like my place, I like what you did to make it level.

My brother lives in Ohio near Lake Erie, totally different gardening tecniques there from what I do here in Tejas.
Good luck with this years grow, you're off to a great start!

Here's a couple more pics. The first two is my OW #2, It's a Red Ghost Pepper, first pic from last year, second pic from today:


Ok, so here's my other OW #1, with last years and todays pic and an extra one of the flowers on it.



They're looking pretty decent, only gave them some ferts once, and watered a few times. They're hanging in my dining room facing the south. OW #1 actually gets direct sunlight part of the day. thanks for checking it out, keep on growing.
Ok, so here's moving day. I transferred everything from inside out to my insulated woodshop in my garage. It's 19X13 has a ceiling fan and about 6 regular shop light fixtures. I have a total of 56 plants, Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend, Trinidad Douglah, Chocolate Hab's, Orange Bhut's, and Giant Jalapeno's. I put them out there under my 3 T5 four foot lights. I repotted a bunch of stuff into 1 gallon pots. My jalapeno's were getting rootbound, and should rebound nicely. I did a couple Scorpions, and Douglah's in 1 gallon pots as well. 5 more weeks and they're going into the ground. thanks for checking it out. Keep on Growing....
Ok, 3 weeks later, and I was able to get everything outside in the sun. 7 hours total from 10 am to 5 pm, kinda shaded, partial, but a lot of sun, none the less. No wilt at all on anything, I was kinda surprised. Here's all the babies, waiting to be planted in a couple weeks:
And here's my solution to high water bills: 2 275 gallon rain barrels hooked up to my downspouts, and already about 1/4 of the way full from a couple hours of light rain.
Ok, so everything went into the ground in the last couple of days. I ended up with a total of 10 Giant Jalapeno, 8 Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend, 7 Chocolate Habaneros, 5 Trinidad Douglah, 3 Orange Bhut's and 2 overwintered Red Bhut's. Here's a pic of my two overwinters, my tallest (and lanky) Orange Bhut, and a Scorpion in the background.

Here's a pic of my 5 best Jalapenos in the back, and some Trinidad Scorpions in the front.

5 Douglah's in a row on the left, 4 Chocolate Hab's in the back and 2 more Trinidad Scorpions on the right.

and one last shot of the Ghost Peppers again, 3 Orange, and 2 Red (overwinters). thanks for checking it out, and keep on growin'
thanks Jeff H, where in ohio are you from? I've actually been pulling flowers off of some of the Jalapenos for some time now, until they get a little bigger. The overwinters have tried setting a couple tiny pods, but nothing but lots of flowers right now. I'm thinking I might have put too many in one space, but we'll see. I have 30 in a 16x16 area.
I'm in SW Ohio. One of these days I'll update my glog so you can see how the grow is coming now that it is outside, but yours looks good.
Back again in June. It's been a little over two weeks since I planted, we got a really cold couple of nights Memorial Day weekend. I think it stunted my peppers a little, but after last week in the 80's, and getting a new water pump, they've rebounded nicely. I picked up a 1/2 HP 1400 gallon per hour pump, and all the fixings to hook it up to my 275 gallon rain barrels. The barrels are now completely full (550 gallons). So on to the pics, here's a couple Giant Jalapenos, the plants are about 16 inches tall.

The Jalapenos never really took a beating with the cold, or the strong winds we've had with the storms. They're growing good, and starting to make some pods. Next we have a mystery purple pepper. It was in with the Giant Jalapeno seeds. It sprouted first, and got real lanky, so I topped it early. Now it's about 20 inches tall and has started putting out long, slender, deep purple (smoke on the water?) pods.

Still no clue what it is. Next is a couple Trinidad Douglah's. The one on the left is about 20 inches tall, and just starting to make flowers. After taking this pic, I pruned the bottom half of the right one, since the little branches on the stem (about 8-10 sets of them) were really starting to get bigger.

Next up is my two Red Bhut's. They are my overwinters from last year. They're doing well.

This next one is my 3 Orange Bhut's, with my 2 Red Bhut's behind them, and a Trinidad Scorpion in a 5 gallon bucket behind them. The tallest Orange Bhut in the middle is about 20 inches tall.

And the last pic is of my 5 biggest Giant Jalapeno, with 4 Trinidad Scorpions in front.

I was considering a light fertilizer since they haven't had anything since being planted. But I amended the soil with Ocean Forest soil, and a little Happy Frog that was leftover after planting. They don't seem to be doing too bad, a little leaf curl, but I think that is going away on all the new growth. Thanks for checking it out. Any tips are appreciated. Keep on truckin'
So last week, I brewed up my first batch of AACT and made 25 gallons with it. I covered my entire garden. It's rained quite a few times lately, so I haven't had to water much at all. Here's a pic of my Orange Bhuts, and 2 Red Bhuts (overwinters) and a Trinidad Scorpion in a bucket.

My overwinters seem to be lagging as of lately. I think I'll hit them up with some fish and kelp emulsions. Heres my first Douglah pod:

This is the whole beautiful plant:

This is a Chocolate Habanero that's doing really well:

Here's another one of my Orange Bhuts:

Here's my mystery purple pepper plant, kinda looks like a Cayenne:

And for my last one, my 5 best Jalapenos and some Trinidad Scorpions:

Planning on doing a deep watering tonight before I leave for Florida tomorrow morning. Thanks for checking it out again, Keep on Truckin'
thanks Gnome, I picked another one tonight. I'm gonna try it after a another glass of bourbon and coke. It's been a while since I've tried them. Maybe they're hotter now....
alright then, it's now almost July, and I just got back from a weeks vacation in the Panhandle, It was awesome, lots of beach time, snorkeling, swimming, eating, drinking, etc.  I had my dad come over and pump about 100 gallons into my garden while I was gone. Temps were in the high 80's, low 90's. Luckily, he only had to water once, since it rained yesterday a ton. My corn is almost waist level, my maters are jumping, and I harvested 16 huge cuc's and made some pickles, with one jar containing some jalapenos, and one purple Cayenne  that was hot as hell!. So, on to the pics, here's my most impressive Douglah's, in all their glory:

And another one of the whole plant:

Here's one of my always awesome comparative shots of my 5 best Jap's, and the Scorpions in front.

Here's a pic of my Red Bhut's (overwinterers), I think they're doing ok, but I expected more. I think since I bought them from a local greenhouse, that they didn't have time, nutrients, etc to get really decent. I hope they get it in gear, we'll see.  

And one last pic of my "mystery purple pepper, which according to Judy at www.pepperlover.com is a Purple Cayenne:

It's putting out quite the bounty of dark purple pods, waiting for them to turn red. Although a few of them made it into my pickles tonight. Thanks again for checking it out. When sobriety chooses to come around, I've got a lot more pics, peace.