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Ok experts. Let's Go Basic

I remember a post not too long ago that showed a basic recipe of vinegar, salt, and peppers with photos. I believe this post is from a well known member here. I can't find it to save my life.

So, I ask of you: If you had just those three ingredients and say your peppers were Fresno (semi-seeded), how much of vinegar and slat would you add to, say, 1lb of peppers?

Knowing full well that everyone has their own tastes, I am asking for your opinions, not the science. Let's hear what you have to say. :P
just a suggestion-

1# chiles
3/4 - 1 c light flavored vinegar (try rice vinegar)
1 tsp salt.
little bit of water to loosen it up if necessary

You can add as much vinegar as you want, but that makes the sauce really tart.

Have you seen pepperfool.com recipes? None of these recipes are tested for pH etc, but the variety is a good source of inspiration.
I found the pepperfool.com to be overwhelming for a beginner. There is no consistency. That's the reason I posted here. Nothing against the website. It's full of great ideas!

Thanks. I was told that 2 cups of vinegar is not much for half a pound of peppers. I tried making stuff last night and it is, as you said, tart. Today is going to be another go.
The whole point of adding Vinegar is science.
It's not added for the flavor, it's added in very specific % amounts as a preservative.
Only adding enough to reach a certain ph so it is shelf stable and doesn't need refridgeration, (Tabasco Sauce for ex).


If you are adding it just for a certain flavor, then you need to just play around with your recipe until it's how you want it.
Thanks. Actually I get the science. I'm trying to avoid the crappy sauce that has too much vinegar to make it too tart. I've seen a huge range on ratios so Im asking the opinions of you who have done it and like it to your tastes.
Depends on several factors

Acidity of the vinegar - cider or white or rice wine or balsalmic - all have different acidity.

How much water you use. This thins the vinegar so if you used 5%, you may end up with 3%

Do you use anything else? Fruits & vegetables, garlic, onion, etc - can all mask the sharpness of the vinegar. Sweet things (sugar, fruit) balances out sour things to the palate.

What kind of peppers? I've noticed that different peppers mix with vinegar differently.

Too many variables to write you a formula - plus we don't know your tastes - whats sour to you may not be to me.

so as others have said...trial & error. Experiment & you'll eventually find a ratio/recipe that works best for you

Good luck!