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pests OK, need a nuclear option for Aphids!

It depends. Most ants help the garden by aerating the soil because of the tunnels they make. They can kill off caterpillers as well.

If the colony is too close to the roots it can hurt the plant. Fire ants can eat the plant, and really hurt the roots.

Ants farm aphids. They will carry aphids to new plants and herd them like cows for the dew the aphids produce. So you also treat for ants.
Symptoms: Aphids are sucking insects that attack buds, flowers and new growths and transmit disease from plant to plant. Buds and flower may fail to open and leaves may have a sticky deposit.

Treatment: Wash aphids away from the plant with a jet of water. Plants can be sprayed with a pesticide like Malathion, Orthene or Safer Soap using the product in accordance with label instructions.

Miscellaneous: The honeydew excreted by aphids and other sucking insects is attractive to ants and is an ideal medium for sooty mold. When sooty mold is present, inspect the plants for aphids, mealybugs, scale and mites.

As an orchid grower, these little nasties crop up every once in awhile.
I will post more info for you as I look through my research/resources on bug contol.elimination...
Hope this little bit helps you out!

Funny enough, on a website based on the Province I live in..good info on Aphids and life cycle. AS well as control options.


Seems one of the best ways is to use natural insect predators. However, I have heard that using very hot pepper "Teas" and spraying infected plants will eradicate them. Using Chemical pesticides is not really an alternative. Since you eventually want to eat the Peppers youwill harvest!

Additional x2:
How to Get Rid of Aphids
  • Try spraying cold water on the leaves, sometimes all aphids need is a cool blast to dislodge them.
  • Use commercially available biological controls or by spraying with insecticidal soap or horticultural oil.
  • You can often get rid of aphids by wiping or spraying the leaves of the plant with a mild solution of water and a few drops of dishwashing detergent such as Ivory.
  • Stir together 1 quart of water, 1 tsp of liquid dish soap and a pinch of cayenne pepper. Do not dilute before spraying on plants.
  • In a spray bottle combine 2 parts rubbing alcohol, 5 parts water, and 1 tablespoon liquid soap.
  • Organic controls include alcohol spray (isopropyl alcohol, straight or diluted), soapy emulsion (can be mixed w/alcohol), horticultural oil (read the directions) and pyrethrum spray. Soapy water/alcohol should be reapplied every 2-3 days for 2 weeks.
  • You can also purchase beneficial insects, such as lady beetles and parasitic wasps, which will feed on aphids. These are usually ordered via mail—check the Internet for labs.
  • Bring beneficial insects to your garden by adding plants that attract them. For example, nasturtiums are a good plant to rid your garden of aphids.
Ants farm aphids. They will carry aphids to new plants and herd them like cows for the dew the aphids produce. So you also treat for ants.

"So you also treat for ants."

"you" do? ;)

"They will carry aphids to new plants and herd them like cows for the dew the aphids produce."

Yes it is amazing how much like humans ants are, I heard about that and it is a fact, but never seen it in my garden and been growing 7 years.

When i see ants in the garden I leave them alone. NEVER had a issue with them. I just would never feel right killing ants that are doing no harm. i have a huge colony of ants in one of my rows, they are not doing anything but just living and loving the loose soil i made for them ;)

Until one morning I go to water my plants and then- ants everywhere with their aphid friends, o no!!!! what do i do???
I use biological control, beuvaria basiana fungus and of course aact aka worm tea. Spray bb fungus every 2 weeks and once a week for aact work like magic, just my 4 month experience.
Thanks for all the input. Have alot of reading up to do onn some of the products and ideas mentioned. Going to look into making the stuff needed for my first AACT. An read up on the rest.
Imma try bonide citrus fruit and nut spray once every places power gos back on -.- had a thunderstorm roll through with like 60mph gusts

Insecticidal soap of you spray it on kills them dead

And a natures nuclear bomb for aphids is a few parasitic wasps. They are awesome :D
I've found in the past that stripping the plants down to the stalks really seems to be the only way to get rid of em.

Like i did today, no more aphids on my leaves. :party:



Has anyone here ever had problems with ants?.... I have been growing a long time and year after year never had a ant problem......

Maybe my colder climate has less pests? I never had a real problem with pests. I have had spider mites and aphids but one spray with soap and they are gone.
Just to comment on the ants. Yes I actually am. Went out today to hand pollinate some plants with a q-tip. An on several of the plants ants came running out of the bloom. An when they get on them hard it looks as if they dry out the flowers. The ants around here are hellasish. It's like they will just adapt and eat anything.

An wow Mezo that's hardcore. I'm affraid I'd totaly screw my season doing something that drastic.
Looks drastic but remember its mid winter here so im months away from pods, and thats how it all started for me, ants.

I didn't think it was a problem at first, then more & more ants & then the aphids, i since learned that the ants farm aphids bringing the aphids to the plant.

Does look like a nuclear bomb has gone off though with just them twigs sticking up. LoL

I've been reading thread on aphids lately. I had a single plant (so far) get attacked, so I moved it outdoors and am giving it the soap/garlic/chili/coffee grounds treatment and regular rough baths. Many threads mention pyrethrum as a good treatment option, but has anyone tried just growing the right kinds of Chrysanthemums (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium and Chrysanthemum coccineum) around their chilies? Supposedly their presence alone has an effect. I have no experience with any of that, I'm just curious...
Well I am PO'd. I uncovered my peps and eggplant Friday and they looked fine. Then last night the eggs and 1/3 of the peps were covered in aphids. Hey don't send them to me! :stop:
There were lady bugs all over them too so I didn't spray with anything. As I mentioned, soap spray doesn't kill them well and that was about all I had for them. I just grabbed the hoses and pulled a hose out there and sprayed real hard. I will do likewise tomorrow and probably order more lady bugs.
Sorry to hear that minnie. These things aren't giving up this year. Seriosly starting to think the ants have little POW camps of aphids. As I have treated regularly with Bonide. Think the ants and aphids are working together! LOL Like the aphids are charging in on antbacks!

An that wouldn't be a bad expperiment Mumrick. Just needing a quicker fix than having to wait on another plant to grow right now. Maybe next year tho!