soil Ok to add this to soil?

I currently have been using this:

I use that with a bunch of added perlite and it seems to be doing ok. For my next set of transplants, I was wondering would it be too much to add more of this to the soil mix:

Could it help? Or would it be too many nutes?
Well that soil mix looks like it should be good for a couple months without needing to add any extra ferts. For bigger plants it would be good to add to the mix
Woks great.  While as a stand alone potting mix it would not work out so well as an amendment to in-ground plants it is perfect, both of them are.  I love Black Kow and Black Hen for my potting mixes added to peat and perlite but they also do wonders in the ground.  Good luck!
I used Black Kow last year mixed with my own peat moss/perilite mix. I had huge plants with this mix. I also used big 20 gallon pots though. Didn't get a lot of pods and fought BER but that's probably just negligence on my part.