OK wtf am I plant Death?

I'm great with actual living, breathing things like dogs, people, horses, goats. They love me. I'm good at keeping them alive.
But I just kill the hell out of plants. Excuse my language but was die scheiße?

It looks healthy except for the being dead part. And yes, that stem/leaf just fell off when I touched it.
What is wrong with me and my plants?
In case you can't tell it looks and feels perfectly healthy except for being wilted the hell over and snapping like a twig.
Sounds like the fungus known "lovingly" as damping off. Look at the base of the stem - not just the one that keeled over, but the others, too. Does the base at the soil line look mushy? Damping off is a fungus of the soil, most frequently caused by keeping it too wet at the top. Best thing to do to prevent it is to bottom-water, ensuring the water doesn't get the surface of the soil wet. Also, running a fan to keep the air flowing helps.
If one plant has it, likely the others are susceptible, too. Scrape off the surface of the soil, and lightly spray it with hydrogen peroxide. Do this for a few days to ensure you've gotten all of it. 
The other plants in the photo look good...
It looks like a withered up dead one in the pot, and the living one looks like he is falling over...
How wet is your soil? And how much are you watering them?
Although it doesn't really look like overwatering.... But that's the most common issue.

Yeah, possible damping off like geeme said. Are there any thinning spots on the bottom of the stem?
Also could be weak roots or root rot.... I think if it was me, I would bury that one up to the cotyledons (seed leaves) for more support, and possibly more root growing area.
I've been told before that I'm overwatering them and to let them dry out until they're starting to wilt, then water them. The soil has been damp for about a week with no watering now.
Perhaps pull the pots out of that tray, and drain any excess water out of there.
If the yray is full of water, the pots cant drain and dry out.
The bottom of the dead plant stem looks like someone pinched it or something. Damping off?

The tray has drainage holes btw
Well I'm working at that. They haven't been watered for at least a week now.
Any chance that plant will survive or is it done?
I think you may need to disinfect the damaged area on the stem with hydrogen peroxide, and a bit of the peroxide in the soil too....
Then I would bury the stem with fresh soil up past the damaged area...

There is a slight chance it could survive...slight...
The plant to the left has some yellowed leaves, again a possible sign of overwatering.  Since you indicated that you watered a week ago I think the culprit may be insufficient drainage in the containing tray.  Maybe if you can improvise some kind of standoff between the bottom of the tray and the bottom of the pots so that any pooled water does not oversaturate the roots.
N-hexane said:
Ok lets just leave water out of this. The pots and tray have more than sufficient drainage.
Sorry man, but it really looks like it is too much water. Plants that small in a #1 pot can go for more than a week without needing to be watered, especially if they are thoroughly soaked. Do you have a fan on them? I would follow the other suggestions about damping off.
You are asking for help and it is clearly damping off (watering problem) and killing the plant but you say that everyone is wrong why ask for help?? Stop wasting these guys time by saying they are wrong when obviously you don't know
N-hexane said:
I've been told before that I'm overwatering them and to let them dry out until they're starting to wilt, then water them. The soil has been damp for about a week with no watering now.
put a fan on them so the air doesn't stagnate
N-hexane said:
I'm great with actual living, breathing things like dogs, people, horses, goats. They love me. I'm good at keeping them alive.
But I just kill the hell out of plants. Excuse my language but was die scheiße?

It looks healthy except for the being dead part. And yes, that stem/leaf just fell off when I touched it.
What is wrong with me and my plants?
In case you can't tell it looks and feels perfectly healthy except for being wilted the hell over and snapping like a twig.
N-hexane said:
Ok lets just leave water out of this. The pots and tray have more than sufficient drainage.
Hahaha.....well.....leaving water out of the pots would help....

Seriously, WATER is the actual problem you are having.
From the water comes the wet for too long soil, and from that comes the damping off, and also to me it looks like the roots are likely weak and can't hold the plant up... also related to soil being too wet for too long.

They would probably benifit from drying the soil any way you can.... seperating the pots from tray, a fan blowing air (which strengthens stems too), and I would also suggest warming the pots up a bit to speed up the drying process (which can also promote root growth which can also help with using up the water in the soil)

How warm is it outside during the day? Perhaps so,e warmth and sunshine could help things out.

Shoot, you could even go as far as taking them out of the pots, removing the soil, and giving them fresh, new, not waterlogged soil....

There are actually a few options.
ok, just put a fan on low for a few hours and you should be fine, try it, remember to post back once it worked for you so other people canlearn too.
ZenPepper said:
ok, just put a fan on low for a few hours and you should be fine, try it, remember to post back once it worked for you so other people canlearn too.
Results would be nice to see. People learn? I disagree, because this is one of the most common questions on here, and seriously people aren't searching or they just want the same thing repeated. Most problems come from overwatering.

Simple solution: water less + fan = win.

, Vegas