Ayinger Celebator - dunkel, kind of a coffee taste
Weihenstephaner Original - pale, kind of like the average American beer (read: SoFlo Posse might actually like this one...)
Weihenstephaner Kristall - pale, ditto, but more hopsy, though mildly so
Weihenstephaner Hefeweissbier - dunkel, still trying to figure out what I think this tastes like. Similar hops taste to Kristall. Maybe if I keep drinking it, I'll figure it out....
Also picked up some ginger beer, mixed it with rum and lime. Now that was tasty!
allright JJ!
Glad you'll be there!
Go easy on the smack talk. It didn't work out so well for the last noob.
This one is a celebration, beer and food. No smack necessary. Just drunken sausagery!
Drunken Sausagery is a forum unto it's own.
what, crab cakes and lobster brats?
:Edit, this is JayT. My computer if F@#ked so I have hijacked Wheebz' for a minute:
I'll vote for your lob brats again
Gotta admit - the visual of a big, white lobster brat is somehow disturbing....what, crab cakes and lobster brats?
:Edit, this is JayT. My computer if F@#ked so I have hijacked Wheebz' for a minute:
Nicht so schnell, mein Freund, kann ich ein noob, aber ich kann spielen
damn 40 years ago, im a little over half that number