• Do you need help identifying a 🌶?
    Is your plant suffering from an unknown issue? 🤧
    Then ask in Identification and Diagnosis.

OMG Finally!!

Went out and checked my plants last night and I see a pod pushing out with a tail on it. After atleast six months, if not more, and starting from seed I finally have a Scorpion pod! I have been trying to grow these for 2 years and this is my first one. The first time I had one seed and the plant was cut down and the next year I ended up with the wrong plant. This is my year though, finally. Im stoked!! :onfire:
Hey good going and get ready.they are a great pep!Happy harvest and hope all is well on your end.Enjoy big time! Rich
Congrats dude!

Now, we must start a thread for super hot noobs. Thou noobs whost cultivates and brings to this earth a super hot, shall record the pain delt upon thee on yarn yootoob for all to cee.

Course, I'll be part of the crowd next season. This season, should it prove fruitful in habanero blessings, shall be documented my own habanero pain upon yootoob.
LGHT said:
Is that amount of time normal? I thought peppers should start producing fruit in 3 months?

I thought the same thing myself. It seemed like an exhorbant amount of time to get a pod.

And no I dont think you will see me on youtube eating a Scorpion pod.
Ok enjoy and my plants right now are just now starting pods.Scorps go great in hot sauce!!!!!!!! have a great one!
Congrats on the pod! We can has pics?

I'm in about the same boat with my Scorpion. I started a it & a Fatalii back in late April and grew them to over 6' tall in my hydro system and didn't get a single f'ing pepper.(had my EC too high so all flowers fell) So in July I cut them back and stuck them outdoors and they are just now, like today, starting to show tiny little flower buds :) So hopefully after about 4-5 months I'm going to see a pepper or two. :onfire: