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One of These Scorpions...

For some reason one of my scorpions has started to go pale even though it is in the same potting mix as the other. I'm wondering whether it's run out of food other it just needs some kind of mineral. Should i give it some fertilizer, epsom salts or something else? It also isn't setting many pods.

Photo makes it look a bit greener than it is.
I'm assuming theres no difference in the fertilizer either-it could be gentic or maybe an animal took a wizz on it. Repotting would be my first choice
It was the stronger faster growing plant and had the most vigorous root system but it just seems to have hit the wall. Probably not animal wizz since the neighborhood animals do their business in the vege garden :mad:. Shouldn't need repotting, the 30L pot it's in is huge and it used to be happy.

Maybe it's sucked all the food out of the soil already.
I had a plant last year that had what looks like the same problem. I never found out what was wrong, but I mixed up a teaspoon of molasses in a gallon of water and sprayed it down with the mix. Then I poured the rest of it in the dirt around the plant.

It was about a week before I saw any results, but the plant started greening up and eventually grew out of it.

being close to the ocean, perhaps your plants need a good dose of seaweed or kelp. Alex DiCocco, member hawaiiAl helped me last year and it seemed to fix a lot of troubles and set me on to a path of researching my own fertilizing solutions. i highly recommend alex for his input, give him a PM and i am sure he would be please to give you assistance. i'm in a landlock location and the only ocean this area has seen was in the time of the dinasour but with local japanese/korean grocery stores i have found dried seaweed and kelp.
I bought a cheap ph meter and it seems to be between 6.5 and 7. The soil probably looks dark because it was still kinda wet from the last time it rained.

I've given it a spray with some epsom salts. Any idea how long it 's going to take to for that to take effect if it is indeed the cure? Is one spray enough or should a give it some more in a couple of days?

As for fertilizing I guess I should give it some of this chilli focus I've got as soon as the soil dries out a bit more so i don't drown it.
personally, I think there is a strain of the Scorpions that require more Ca/Mg than others...I have noticed my scorpions (from the island in 2007) are two distinct plant types...both producing "stingers" and I can't tell the difference in taste or heat...

I think I posted somewhere about the leaves almost looking varigated...
i do not know about silver ferns area but you may have some bugs
look close for fungus gnats or kiwi equivalent?
Id say Franz and AJ hit it on the head. I had the same problem. 2 plants, same soil, water, and ferts. Plant 1 awesome, plant 2 magnesium deficiency. Id say epsom salt or a cal mag supplement. I used General Organics Calmag+

I think I've got it sorted now and everybody was wrong :) (but only because you can't see everything in the picture). I noticed that the tray that it was in still had water in it. So I've done away with the tray and now the leaves aren't going yellow and falling off. Now it seems to be slowly recovering! :woohoo:

I figured since I had lots of pebbles and stuff in the bottom of the pots that the drainage would be fine and that trays go with pots. Guess I was wrong and I'll only use trays inside.