• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

OnlyPeppers 2023


It should be a good year for growing peppers. My goal is to find the most productive varieties that thrive in the Texas heat. The growlist will consist of mainly Annuums but there will be a couple non-Annuums here and there. I'll post the official growlist later. Cheers!

Grow List:

Serrano (Ferry-Morse)

Jalapeno Zapotec (Downriver)

Jalapeno Pecos (Downriver)

Jalapeno Gigantica (Downriver)

Jalapeno (Terroir Seeds)

Jalapeno (Seeds of Change)

Black Cobra (THP)

Peruvian Cerezo (THP)

Cantina Gold (THP)

Thai Scorpion (Ramey Plant Farm)

Aji Amarillo (TGCM)

XL Antep Aci Dolma X (Downriver)

Chiltepin (Terroir Seeds)

Peri-Peri (THP)

Torres Cattywampus de Arbol (Downriver)

Datil (Ebay)

Datil (Tim)

Datil (Pure Florida)

Datil (Baker Creek)

California Wonder (Burpee)

Prairie Spice (Downriver)

Red Habanero (Ramey Plant Farm)

Aji Dulce Puerto Rico (Ebay)

Er Jing Tiao (Canedog)

Inek Boynusu (Canedog)

Mulatto Isleno (Canedog)

Punjab Small Hot (Canedog)

Pasilla Mixe (Canedog)

1242 Off-Orange (Canedog)

San Pedro Amarillo (Canedog)

Aji Guyana (Canedog)

Sweet Red Peru (Canedog)
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Never experienced mold on Jiffy right from the start, only with pellets containing seeds that did not want to sprout after a few weeks... Maybe scrape it out as mush as you can and add some kind of air flow (fan?)
No worries, just a little saprophytic molds. These belong in healthy soil and are beneficial to your plants. The reason you can see them is due to high humidity in your grow environment, normally they just do their job below the surface.
Putting up a fan like @Bou suggested and letting the top part of the soil dry out will solve this!
Chiltepin from Terroir Seeds doing good so far. Iā€™m really enjoying watching this one grow out. It has an unusual growth pattern compared to my other peppers. Leaves are smaller but itā€™s already on the 4th set of leaves while most others only have 2. Also shows growth in-between the nodes already.

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After finding out most of my seed stock had gone bad, I decided to have some fun with what's left. I took the remainder of my Aji Dulce (Peru) seeds and let them soak in rainwater for 48 hours. The plan was to let the seeds soak and then plant in a pot as a last attempt. Today when I looked at the seeds closely, I noticed one had already sprouted! I decided to just change out the water and let them keep soaking. I'll change the water every couple of days for now. I put the one seed that germinated in a peat pellet, let's hope for the best.
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