• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

OnlyPeppers 2023


It should be a good year for growing peppers. My goal is to find the most productive varieties that thrive in the Texas heat. The growlist will consist of mainly Annuums but there will be a couple non-Annuums here and there. I'll post the official growlist later. Cheers!

Grow List:

Serrano (Ferry-Morse)

Jalapeno Zapotec (Downriver)

Jalapeno Pecos (Downriver)

Jalapeno Gigantica (Downriver)

Jalapeno (Terroir Seeds)

Jalapeno (Seeds of Change)

Black Cobra (THP)

Peruvian Cerezo (THP)

Cantina Gold (THP)

Thai Scorpion (Ramey Plant Farm)

Aji Amarillo (TGCM)

XL Antep Aci Dolma X (Downriver)

Chiltepin (Terroir Seeds)

Peri-Peri (THP)

Torres Cattywampus de Arbol (Downriver)

Datil (Ebay)

Datil (Tim)

Datil (Pure Florida)

Datil (Baker Creek)

California Wonder (Burpee)

Prairie Spice (Downriver)

Red Habanero (Ramey Plant Farm)

Aji Dulce Puerto Rico (Ebay)

Er Jing Tiao (Canedog)

Inek Boynusu (Canedog)

Mulatto Isleno (Canedog)

Punjab Small Hot (Canedog)

Pasilla Mixe (Canedog)

1242 Off-Orange (Canedog)

San Pedro Amarillo (Canedog)

Aji Guyana (Canedog)

Sweet Red Peru (Canedog)
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Looks like we got a real mystery pepper on our hands. This popped out instead of Culantro dang it 😆 This probably happen because I reused some of the peat pods. There were so many different varieties I tried and failed to germinate, no telling what it’s going to be. I just hope it’s something I don’t already have growing. For now it will be called “Aji Culo”


Even though the tag says "Scotch Bonnet", the picture on it looks more like a Jamaican Mushroom than a Scotch Bonnet to me. Note the lack of an abbreviated Chinense calyx on the pods on the tag. I can't see the calyx on the pod in your photos, but the fact that your plant seems to have always just one pod per node has me thinking it's an Annuum. It appears that your garden center can't tell the difference between a Scotch Bonnet and a Jamaican Mushroom pepper. My guess is that you have the latter. On the bright side, they are good peppers, and can be pretty warm for an Annuum type.
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Even though the tag says "Scotch Bonnet", the picture on it looks more like a Jamaican Mushroom than a Scotch Bonnet to me. Note the lack of an abbreviated Chinense calyx on the pods on the tag. I can't see the calyx on the pod in your photos, but the fact that your plant seems to have always just one pod per node has me thinking it's an Annuum. It appears that your garden center can't tell the difference between a Scotch Bonnet and a Jamaican Mushroom pepper. My guess is that you have the latter. On the bright side, they are good peppers, and can be pretty warm for an Annuum type.
I had a feeling it wasn't a scotch bonnet, the leaf shape looked like an annuum from the start. It looks exactly like a Jamaican Mushroom , thanks for bringing that to my attention. The garden center just buys and sells the plants, it's the grower that mislabeled this pepper. Or maybe this pepper is known as "scotch bonnet" to some, either way it's a cool pepper.
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Shoot, GS. Sorry to see that. I've never had broad mites so I don't know them well, but that's something I'd consider. Maybe someone more familiar with them can chime in. They're so small you'd need magnification to confirm.

That red peru is a baccatum.
Careful with this stuff GS. It can be is nasty. You definitely don't want to breathe it.
Thanks for the warning Rick! Im usually pretty good about PPE but I’ll take extra precaution using this stuff. It was recommended to me at tractor supply for chigger control. It has a very strong chemical smell, like you said “nasty”. Should I take a different route dealing with these mites?
Thanks for the warning Rick! Im usually pretty good about PPE but I’ll take extra precaution using this stuff. It was recommended to me at tractor supply for chigger control. It has a very strong chemical smell, like you said “nasty”. Should I take a different route dealing with these mites?

The choice is yours, as they say.

As for me, I like to stay on the OMRI side of things whenever possible. I use AZAMAX to control most pests common to peppers. It's effective against SPIDER mites, but does not reference Broad Mites specifically, so I don't know if it would be effective.

A lot of MJ growers likes to use NUKE EM. It lists BROAD Mites specifically. I don't have any experience with it though. I don't THINK I've ever had broad mites.
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I’m on a roll so far this year, first leaf footed nymphs now broad mites. What’s next, head lice? 😾 Coincidentally permethrin is the active ingredient in head lice treatment products. Think I’ll experiment with this stuff and try dipping the whole plant like a flea bath, roots and all then repot with new soil. Most people might just discard these plants but these are the only Pubescens on my growlist so I’d like to save them.
I think I am having the same issue on a couple types of the pubescens I am growing. (Broad mites) and on some types multiple pests are giving them trouble. The Oculto Rocoto's don't seem to be phased by anything whatsoever fortunately.
The broad mite infestation is worse than I thought. All the pepper plants starts show some sign of mite damage. These plants have been on the front porch away from the main garden. Unfortunately, there was a red hab sitting very close that may be affected as well :doh: