As I understand it, in plant breeding terminology, there are OP and Hybrids. OP essentially meaning pollinated by natural means (including self pollination). Hybrids are a result of human manipulation (when it comes to plant breeding). OP's can be, and usually are, isolated for purity by a serious plant breeder. "Early jalapeno" is an OP variety, but breeders isolate them from other capsicum sp to retain purity in order to sell them as "Early Jalapeno" They are left to pollinate themselves or each other naturally and the offspring will still have the same traits as the parent "Early Jalapeno". "El Jefe Jalapeno" is a hybrid and is a result of humans transferring pollen from one parent to another. Even if isolated the offspring of El Jefe will not have the same exact characteristics of the parent "El Jefe". The term OP in plant breeding terminology has little to do with isolation, so don't worry when a major seed seller like Johnny's says that a certain variety is OP that it means it may not be pure or isolated, because they wouldn't knowingly sell seeds that could be impure. So OP essentially means non-hybrid, but I have seen many people on this forum and others misuse this term.