Opiates + HP56 Death Strain = ?

I have never taken opiates myself, and don't think anyone else has or have they?.
But, what would happen if a person took opiates and had the HP56 Death Strain x5. 5 of them all in one go on an opiate.
any idea?
I`ve had plenty of opiates during and after surgery. I hate them and avoid them like the plague.
As endorphins act on opiate receptors in the brain, it would depend on how much opiate you took. The receptors would probably be more or less occupied if you took a standard dose, so the endorphins wouldn`t act much, assuming you produced some. As for the heat and pain, you`d care a lot less than normal, but the pain would be significantly less, hence fewer endorphins. I suspect the heat would be similar, but again, you`d care less about it. My suspicion is that there is also a release of adrenaline, normally, probably caused by the pain. It`s possibly that would be significantly reduced, but who knows. 
Bottom line - I don`t know, LOL!!!
I`m also not doing the experiment!
fertilizer said:
Stay away from opiates; and i'd stay away from overhyped peppers as well. 
Sounds like a recipe for disaster :P
Overhyped Peppers - Good one :rofl:
I agree, eat a pepper you can tolerate so you can enjoy the flavor too. Enjoy the endorphin rush and come back to reality.
Unless you got broken bones or just had surgery stay away from the opiates. Being brain-dead and body numb shouldn't be anybody's idea of a good time.
Life is for living - do that :fireball:
I'm wondering why you are thinking about it.
Are you going to be in a super hot eating contest or something and trying to find a way to not deal with the pain or something?
Trying to be like the lady in India who can't taste or feel pain from Bhuts?
Don't forget,the stuff in peppers can be toxic.
I'd think being buzzed on Opiates would be bad if you decided to set a world record for eating a ton of world record heat peppers in a week or whatever long termed time period.
Yes,it would take a Lot of peppers,but being high might not make you aware about whatever your body can deal with-toxicity or tolerance.
Nigel,is what I posted of concern?
I assume as you posted,opiates might lessen some stuff,receptor wise.
But not caring ,to me would be of concern,I think.
I assume the person has a problem with what supers do to them in whatever amount they eat.
I'd think they may or may not have a low tolerance at a certain point.
Going past that might set off some unwanted body damage.
I know several people who their Doctors told them to cut down on eating hot peppers due to stomach issues.
Most don't eat supers,just habs every day.
I also have no clue as to what else they eat,it might be a combination thing.
I just know once they stopped eating peppers the problem went away.
So peppers must be part of their health problem...
To me,if I was getting problems eating supers and was thinking about using a highly addictive drug to get over eating peppers.
Something is wrong.
I'd rather drop Cid and eat one. Not a fan of opiates... well opium is ok I suppose if you like soapy tastes. 
I keep writing a comment and deleting, writing and deleting.  Opiates are both a gift from heaven and a demon from the lowest circle of hell.  If not for Norco my wife would have to change my bed pan cause I could not stand the pain to walk to the rest room.  On the other hand, have deer friend who literally lives in a camper the woods to avoid the crap cause she fell off the wagon this past fall.  Unless under careful supervision from someone who knows how to prescribe, avoid the hell out the crap.  It will twist your soul all sorts of shapes and leave you alive just to ask for more.

Welcome to THP.  Here is your Frozen Yogurt Push Pop.
Phil said:
Say no to drugs. Say yes to gardening.
Right on but I would add critters to the list of non addictive euphorics.

ajdrew said:
I keep writing a comment and deleting, writing and deleting.  Opiates are both a gift from heaven and a demon from the lowest circle of hell.  If not for Norco my wife would have to change my bed pan cause I could not stand the pain to walk to the rest room.  On the other hand, have deer friend who literally lives in a camper the woods to avoid the crap cause she fell off the wagon this past fall.  Unless under careful supervision from someone who knows how to prescribe, avoid the hell out the crap.  It will twist your soul all sorts of shapes and leave you alive just to ask for more.

Welcome to THP.  Here is your Frozen Yogurt Push Pop.
Right on but I would add critters to the list of non addictive euphorics.

Well spoken truth.
If you're wondering if opiates will mitigate the burnination of eating 5x 5P56s.... I'm going with a big no lol :P 
Maybe if you're totally high on heroin.
smokemaster said:
Don't forget,the stuff in peppers can be toxic.
Can you give a ballpark figure for the amount you'd need to consume for that? 
I know I was eating many whole peppers with every single meal for a few consecutive months this last season and I felt fine.
It's a lot,I only mentioned it because I have no clue why the guy wants to do the whole thing.
I was thinking about someone eating a ton of peppers per day for an extended amount of time.
I doubt anyone could eat enough to kill themselves but different people have different tolerances.
Could cause other problems I think from what I've read.
Smokemaster, with the extracts now available I wouldnt be surprise to learn some sort of hot pepper challenge killed a person.  The so called challenges are getting frigging nutty.
When I eat Super hots,I found out I don't have to do as much Blood Thinner after being tested.
But as far as peppers go,each pod is different.Can't stop doing Coumadin and eat peppers.
I read of some dogs having problems after they were fed peppers too because they can thin the blood.
Smokemaster, my GP says she doesnt care if I use folk remedies in addition to her prescriptions but thinks hot peppers for blood sugar control is a joke.  Not according to my A1C numbers they are not.  I wonder, sugar makes your blood thick.  Maybe you are noticing some thinning from lower blood sugars?

No clue but I do know I feel much better with a spicy diet than without.