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Orange Bhut

For the last few days, I've been waiting for my first Bhut pod to turn red, hoping it wouldn't. Well it's been fluorescent orange for 4 days and it's time to come off. I asked Judy at PepperLover if this was a natural variant of the red Bhut and she told me it was the True Orange Bhut. I believe she said the red were mixed. These Bhuts also have rough skin so she said because of that, they should be a lot hotter than the smooth skin version that they planted. I know it was a mild fruity flavor with the normal Bhut build. Not as hot as the chocolate Bhut, but still had me milk searching. Here are a couple pics and I can post more if you'd like.


Thank you very much! The next pod is ripening and turning the same way: yellow followed by immediate orange, whereas the red Bhuts I have start looking chocolatey when turning. I'm so happy that these will all be orange. I think I'm going to have to clone. Lol.
I tried taking a better pic next to a yellow and a red pod, but the yellow pod is frozen and looks kind of orange itself. I'll try posting another in a couple days.


If anybody is interested in reviewing one of these orange Bhuts for me, let me know.
Very nice bhut!
The rough skin reminds more of peach bhut than other orange bhuts i've seen! Save some seeds!


It does look like it's going to be orange based on pics and the light transition color, but 4 days isn't enough time to be sure and they will pick up flavor sitting on the plant till fully ripe, deep orange if not red.
Thank you, Datil! I probably should clarify. The first Bhut turned orange and then turned more of a richer orange and stayed that way for 4 days before I pulled it. In the last pic, they were orange longer. I don't have any peach right now to compare it to. Tried half of one pod in the pic and it was extremely fruity and that half was a little hotter than an orange habanero. Not bad at all. Pretty good by itself. Any suggestions as to what to cook them in?
Those are awesome looking pods. I've got two orange bhut plants growing at the moment (only a couple of months old still) so hoping to get them as good as yours.
To clarify - this is different from the "Bhut Orange Copenhagen" - this one is a natural variant, whereas the BOC is a cross?
SentencedToBurn said:
Those are awesome looking pods. I've got two orange bhut plants growing at the moment (only a couple of months old still) so hoping to get them as good as yours.
Thank you very much! I'm sure you'll do excellently. Do you know if you have the smooth skin or rough skin?
hottoddy said:
To clarify - this is different from the "Bhut Orange Copenhagen" - this one is a natural variant, whereas the BOC is a cross?
According to Judy at PepperLover, the orange rough skinned Bhut is the original Bhut. Please correct me if I'm wrong. I think it's different from the Copenhagen, but I'm just going by pictures. They look completely different. I just happened to get this plant from the local nursery. I bought 4 red Bhuts. 3 are red and 1 is orange.
Bhuter said:
Thank you very much! I'm sure you'll do excellently. Do you know if you have the smooth skin or rough skin?
Hey I'm not sure sorry - my neighbour hooked me up with the seeds, the plants are still far off from even flowering.
I'm not sure if you can tell by looking at the leaves as to what type it'll be:

Thank you very much, Sp33d! This is turning into my favorite plant. Nice neon fruits.

SentencedToBurn: There's really no way of telling which pods you'll have until you see them. Your plants look great, though!