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"Orange Habanero Concentrate" By Scorpion

well my first homemade source to try..sent by scorpion from the fair land of oz.me being a beginner and this being scorpion first try at a hab sauce (concentrate) i think we are made for each other..ive tried a naga sauce(normal and concentrate) and a peach hab sauce from differnt suppliers before..but i think scorps has got the hab taste in his sauce to a fine art.
First trial was an afternoon dinner with rumb steak,tried a very small amount applied to the top and complimented with jersey mids and savoy cabbage..the taste was superp even though only a tiny thimble full was used on 2 steaks..it just seemed to compliment the earthness of the other veg.
Trial 2 the spoon test..:shocked: wow it burns (theres 16 habs in der sauce)meself and a few friends took the plunge and just dipped a finger into the sauce..CONCENTRATED..o yee the burn was very long and satisfying..with a lovely deep fruity aftertaste and happy chillheads all aglow.
test 3 the barbe..lamb shank,homemade burgers with a spoon of sauce added to a pound of beef mince,marinade on chicken concentrated and waterd down to find the best results and finally pork ribs (we soaked the ribs in a bbq sauce with the sauce added..teaspoon full) and let them take up the flavour for a 3 hours in the fridge..lit the charcol and away we went 16 people with lots of hb concentrated meat and the results surprised me.
the majority had had jalpeno,naga and other hot sauces before but the comments where universal they all preferd the taste of the hab concentrate..the ribs and chicken where the best..chicken/habs= heaven and pork ribs well..we did 5 racks they had gone in an hour some people liking the concentrated ribs/some liking the waterd down version all in all it was a great hit and im sitting typing here with about a spoonful left and worring how long it will take to get another bottle of scorpions concentrated summer hab delight..my friend you have a hit :)

P.M SCORPION For Details of Getting The Sauce...
Cheers for the great feedback Talas im really glad you enjoyed the hb concentrate I think im going to keep this recipe...My girlfriend will now be very happy that she doesnt have to trial it any more, considering she is not really a chilli head lol.

All the best from AUS

Scorpion Chilli 'Hot in... Hot out'
lol anytime my friend..yep its good to keep the ladys happy and all respect to you its damn fine sauce:)
Well, my long awaited bottle of Scorpion's Orange Habanero Concentrate finally arrived the other day. I was so excited that I couldn't decide what to try it with first. However,first I checked the PH and my meter showed that it was a 4.36 (no offense Scorpion, but I always go with safety first). Since I couldn't decide what to try with this sauce first, I decided to just do a finger taste. :shocked::shocked: WOW! This actually momentarily took my breath away...This sauces has captured the essence of the Orange Habanero and that little bit on my finger, tasted like I had just put a whole pod in my mouth!

This morning I was making a 3 egg omelet with sausage and home-fries and thought to myself, "Humm, I'll try some of this concentrate with this meal" and out came the bottle. For the home-fries, I mixed in some onions, garlic and about 1/2 teaspoon of the concentrate. The 3 egg omelet I added about 1/2 teaspoon to the egg mixture. I must say again...WOW!!! It was as if I had just chopped up 2 or 3 fresh Habs and threw them in. The home-fries where great and I couldn't get enough. The egg omelet was on fire!

If you get a chance, PM Scorpion for the details on how to obtain a bottle of this superb concentrate. BTW, this is not something that you want to sniff from the bottle...LOL. I opened the cap and took a deep sniff to see what it smelled like. Well, after my eyes stopped watering, I knew that I was in for a treat...

Thanks Scorpion ;)