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overwintering Overwinter peppers ?

We are definitly going to need a overwintering sticky Q n A soon. Im still wating for peppers to ripen first... some color I hope everything doesnt ripen at once ... well I do ... but I dont ...I do ..... that does it I have gone mad
Damn it Bent I still need to post up pics ** see what beer has done** Yes the Siams, Piquins and Habs oh my

Many of each I will get the pics posted I promise
bentalphanerd said:
I don't know what it's like over there, but here they're tipping an 11% rise in cost of electricity over the next 12 months. It's worth factoring in the price per 100W x hours x days that a hydro will be running. Not only to your pocket but also to the environment.
Don't mean to go all hippy on you, just a heads-up ;)

I'm ok with it. What else do I have to spend my $$ on in the dead of winter in Michigan:lol:. Heck for fun from Dec to March I sit on a frozen lake looking through a hole trying to catch fish.....Sometimes I even drive my truck out there:shocked: LOL!! It's not a cheap solution, it's worth eating peppers year roung though.:cool:
THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOU'RE INPUT!!!!:cool: I'll save this to favorites so when I get started I remember the lighting basics.;);)
bentalphanerd said:
Whoa buddy, lets not say anything derogatory about beer that we'll regret later.

Im certainly not going to blame myself .... Beer and I have been thru alot together... friends, girlfriends also friends girfriends, good times bad times its always stuck by me until his bud stuck his two sensamillians in. In this case it was their fault I havent posted the pics yet I have taken the pics but have not posted
Im certainly not going to blame myself .... Beer and I have been thru alot together... friends, girlfriends also friends girfriends, good times bad times its always stuck by me until his bud stuck his two sensamillians in. In this case it was their fault I havent posted the pics yet I have taken the pics but have not posted

Tell your yellow M&M to hold still when he pulls the trigger! He is ruining the damn picture.
Ah! Understandable.

Hey Rabbit and any others. I was planning to use my hydro to start plants indoors in the winter, and transplant into soil in the spring. As far as going from soil to hydro, I bet it could be done, but I am not so sure. Any thoughts?
No, I had 1 long ago. On another thread here some guy asks about his habs drooping at night. He is obviously talking about peppers he bought that were in soil, and are now doing well hydro(except for the minor drooping problem) so you would think that they were somewhat interchangeable.
cheezydemon said:
Ah! Understandable.

Hey Rabbit and any others. I was planning to use my hydro to start plants indoors in the winter, and transplant into soil in the spring. As far as going from soil to hydro, I bet it could be done, but I am not so sure. Any thoughts?

Hey, Cheesy I'm probably the LAST guy to ask for advice;). I'd be glad to help, but that's why I'm picking everyone elses brains.:(:D
cheezydemon said:
No, I had 1 long ago. On another thread here some guy asks about his habs drooping at night. He is obviously talking about peppers he bought that were in soil, and are now doing well hydro(except for the minor drooping problem) so you would think that they were somewhat interchangeable.

Yes, that is me, and they are still doing great, two weeks in hydro and a lot of noticable growth. These two plants are my first peppers, indoors or out, so I am very excited. Also my first time doing hydro.

So, I've proved that you can take seedlings grown in soil (mine were a foot tall when bought, then cut back to 6"), wash most of the dirt off, and put them in a hydro setup. I say MOST of the dirt because root hairs will grow through pieces of perlite and solid chunks of soil, and I didn't want to break them off. I didn't feel more than two little roots break on each plant when I rinsed them. I was very gentle but purposeful.

Obviously a full-grown plant would be much harder to transplant. Someone ought to try it.

By the way, my plants still droop every evening around the same time. Still a mystery, but not a problem.

I sprouted some Jalapeno seeds in a pot of pure perlite. Gonna transplant some in a few days to an almost soilless mix. A bottom layer of gravel, then filled with perlite, with a little bit of leftover potting soil mixed in. I'm gonna try to pick the slow-release ferts out of the dirt, so I can feed with miracle grow.
Happy to report the naga plants I overwinterd are doing well. I dug them out of the garden in December and kept them potted, moving them into the laundry room on nights it would freeze. I cut them back quite a bit.

I re-planted four of them in the garden about 3 weeks ago and two of them are doing really well. Two plants are also growing naga pods already. Woot!
Even if you want to grow with lights over the winter, its best to cut back or your plants can get far too big for low cost lighting.
Even if you want to grow with lights over the winter, its best to cut back or your plants can get far too big for low cost lighting.
That's what I said... if you have enough light.