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overwintering overwintering,,cutting back,,and how bout light?

geeese, i think i am doing it all wrong... i decided to winterize three plants...

i had to remove two of them because they dried out and a little mold started to appear on the surface of the soil...

the third and last plant i have has been sitting on the my dog cage by the window this entire time... from the information i have gathered on this thread i should be moving it to a darker area with less light correct ?
I'm curious about watering. So far, about every two weeks I give each plant - they are all in 5-gallon containers) about a pint of water. But I am top watering. Should I, once time do a bottom watering and the other time the top? Only a couple of plants are showing significant sprouting and I remove those. Somehow, some aphids have invaded the room so each plant got a nice sprinkling of garlic powder. Yeah, my garden room smells like a cheap pizzeria but it kept the critters off the plants in hydro for a couple of weeks, plus I haven't seen a vampire in the room all winter!

The room stays at about 64 degrees and the plants are getting very little ambient light.


Anyone??? Should I do a bottom watering once a month? I don't care if sprouts grow, I can pluck them off. But I don't want the roots to die, if that is what will happen if I only water from the top, and the entire root system doesn't get any water, right? Or is that the idea?

Bottom watering will encourage roots to grow downwards towards the drainage holes where top watering usually keeps the top soil damper therefore encouraging top roots. I tend to do mostly bottom watering but occasionally will top water and do a complete flush to help control salt build-ups.

Thanks. I'll bottom water the next time. I only water them twice a month total and so far all but one has good, green stems. While I'm getting a few sprouts on most of the plants, because they are in a very poorly lit area (under a bench) the sprouts are easy enough to remove.
