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"Oxygen Plus" substitute? Would this even be good for peppers?

About 15 years ago, I tried my hand at growing some indoor "hops variety" plants and had great success. Gotta love "hops". I was really naive then (and still am) and went to a place called Joseph Nursery about halfway between Clarksburg and Grafton on Rt. 50 and "Joseph" (through a thick Irish brogue) recommended this stuff (not really a fertilizer) called Oxygen Plus because, as he stated with eyebrows dancing, it "promotes growth".

And it did. Yes, it did. My medium was Miracle Gro potting soil (I mentioned that I was naive, right?) but despite that, I had amazing growth under the cheapest lights you could possibly imagine (shop lights with cool blues for vegetative growth for 24 hrs/day and then warm pinks for flowering for 10 hrs/day after my little babies were bushier than bonzais).

The stuff worked. And don't tell me it was the Miracle Gro potting soil. Hell, it was a "miracle" that my plants would even "gro" in that shit. But, like I said, I was a beginner (and still am in many ways).

Well, since I have a BS in biology, I had no problems deciphering the ingredients of Oxygen Plus. It was dilute Hydrogen Peroxide. I have forgotten the exact recommended proportions (It's been 15 years) but I just added one cap full of Oxygen Plus per (either) gallon or half-gallon of water, I think. I could be wrong. Anyway, I could see it foam up as it hit the organic soil. My "hops variety" plants loved it from the time they were seedlings through the time they produced beautiful and fragrant flowers.

My question is a two-parter.

1. Will Hydrogen Peroxide even benefit my chili plants? Roots love oxygen. We all know that. And when Hydrogen Peroxide comes in contact with organic matter (soil), it releases...you know--OXYGEN.


2. How often should I apply it?

Look. I could pay $20 for a bottle of Ogygen Plus (that's what I paid 15 years ago) or I could just buy a bottle of Hydrogen Peroxide from CVS for $2.

I'm trying to save a buck (or 18) here. Any help is appreciated. I realize that Capsicums may have different requirements than "hops" but all roots love oxygen, right?

What do you say?
I just want to mention that I Googled "oxygen plus" and all I got was some bullshit about some brand of "canned oxygen" (whatever the hell that is supposed to be).

That is NOT the stuff I'm talking about here.

What I am talking about is a plant additive (not really a fertilzer) that comes in an opaque brown bottle (1L, if I remember correctly and probably don't). As I recall, the label was white with black lettering and had red and green stripes. I could be wrong. I WAS a "hops" enthusiast at the time, ya know.
I have no first hand experience with peroxide.  With that being said I know it will kill microfauna in your soil.  When used it must be diluted, although I do not know the proper ratio.  I have heard it recommended many times on this forum for peppers, although I have not heard of it being used regularly.  More of a treatment for plants that are suffering.  Not to say it would not work on a regular basis.  As you said, plants need oxygen, and I see no reason it would not help with continual usage. 
Also if you are interested in uping your oxygen you could move to an air pot or hydroponics.  One of the most popular air pots around here is to just use a cloth shopping bag from walmart, aka a wally bag.  You can get fairly cheap ones online at Amazon or eBay as well.
come on... i dont have a BS in anything but i know this product is bullshit.
the only thing peroxide will do is sterilize the IMMEDIATE areas its in contact with. as it decomposes it will release oxygen, heat, water and some reaction byproducts.
peroxide is very  reactive, it will react completely within less than a minute. its not a slow reaction what so ever. with the proper catalyst and a high concentration of peroxide it will literally explode in your face. concentrated hydrogen peroxide is a rocket fuel.
it will not penetrate down into the roots far enough to do anything... unless you use a shit load. if you were to water in like a quart of peroxide, you could actually damage roots i imagine.  even if it were to penetrate down into the root zone, and magically release oxygen slowly, we are talking about very small sub mole quantities of oxygen here.
an entire liter of 10% peroxide will have what... 100ml of peroxide? peroxides density is 1.45g/ml.
thats 6.9 or so grams of peroxide total.
one mole of peroxide is 34 grams right? so you get around a 5th of a mole of peroxide in an entire liter of 10% solution.

that 5th of a mole of peroxide will yield, at very best,  one tenth of a mole of diatomic oxygen.
thats 3.2 grams of oxygen. or 2.23 liters of pure oxygen at STP.
3.2 grams!!! according to google, an average human at rest will consume like 550 liters of oxygen in a day.
none of this ever makes sense. idk why people have such hardons for peroxide, its nothing but a disinfectant/sterilant.
btw, you can test my assertion that peroxide is too reactive to reach to the bottom of a container filled with organic matter...
just get a long stem funnel... like you use to fill a transmission. pack one end with wadded cotton, and fill the stem with dirt... add just enough peroxide to get a ml or so of runoff.
does this runoff react any further? bubbling or hissing or what ever it does? you can use a reagent to test... i think iron 2 sulfate or salts of iodine will work. you will get a strong red or strong iodine color as its reduced out of solution... iron sulfate might be harder to rust out of solution idk. pretty sure iron 3 is basically insoluble as long as you have an excess.

6.9 supposed to be 69.... multiply all by 10.
     A cheaper and more effective solution? Next time you have fast food, save the straw. Jab it into the soil of your plant and blow into it. 
     I'm no marketing genius, but here goes...
     Do your plants lack vigor? Do you want them to grow better? Try my new and improved (it's a bendy straw! ) soil oxygenator and aerator! Yes, this new, revolutionary garden implement will change the gardening industry forever! It will increase soil oxygen content by some ridiculous, unproven quantity. And at the same time, improve soil porosity and aeration by a value that even a third grader would consider to be horseshit. For the low, low price of 500x materials cost and infinitely higher than any sane person would ever fork over you can have something totally useless that will make your dumb gardening friends shit themselves in envy and make your smart gardening friends roll their eyes so hard they snap their optic nerves right before your very eyes!...
     Goddammit. I'm just not a good huckster. 