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Oz bulk-buy

I've been thinking about how many products I'd like to be trying from our Hot Peppered friends in yank-land, along with the severely lame selection available locally.

Any other Ozzie's interested in doing a bulk import ie. We get them to box up a collection in a central location & ship it to a central location here to distribute. Maybe even order some extra & resell here as a means of helping pay the postage.

Anyway, just a thought. Anyone interested?
My initial desire is for sauces but no reason not to get powders, rubs & seeds thrown into the same box. I like the idea of sending seeds across during each others winter - produce another generation that copes with new climate variations during the off season & seeds from that sent back again....making a stronger plant.

What are your thoughts?
Ah cool idea mate. I'm sorry, but i have a heap of seeds i am waiting to sow next season, and well i am not one to buy sauces myself, i like to make my own ;)

I'm waiting to get my hands on Marks tho (chileman)

But thanks for the offer/idea.
a good idea nerdster but not easy to carry out - you're in Brisvegas, I'm in Smoggy Sydney, we've got flex in 1995, ooops, I mean Adelaide (just kidding Flex ;) ) and I don't know of any other Aussies on THP though I'm sure there are others.

I've just gone ahead and ordered my stuff from o/s and paid the price though I've limited my purchases to absolute necessities like jerky mix, pepper extracts, red savina powder and the like and complemented that by making my own sauces like our mate Flex.

is there anything in particular you are after? I'm going to a chilli festival next weekend. I am happy to keep an eye out for anything in particular you may be after and post it to you and you just reimburse me - if I can get what you want. there is a purveyor of fine chilli products about 40 minutes from me - fireworksfoods.com.au - they open on Saturdays - they stock Dave's Insanity and Blair's etc as well as some Mexican products. I'm actually going to the markets first thing tomorrow and then over to Fireworks on the way home. I'll pm you my mobile number, if you see anything in their catalogue you like, ring or SMS me and I'll get it for you. either that or just order it from them yourself - I have bought from them before and they are above reproach. the owner is Marycarmen - her mobile number is 0432507521. check the webstore out, they've got some good stuff!
If I could figure out a way to get some of my sauce down there...and get through customs without being flagged as a terror suspect...I'd send some in a second!
b'nerd - I got to Paddy's Markets this morning about 6:55. couldn't find a hab anywhere. I did buy 3kgs of birdseyes for the princely sum of $10! can you believe it? ten bucks :rolleyes: what a bargain.

I spent some time this afternoon blending chilli pods with lemon, lime, salt and vinegar to make some of my home-style tabasco and blended some with all of the above and also some honey for generously spooning onto my food.

then disaster struck!

I burnt out the motor on my wife's blender so I had to go get another one.

I'll list my fireworks foods purchases shortly, gotta go for now.
ok, this is what I got:

Blair's Possible Side Effects
Dave's Insanity
Dave's Roasted Peppers in Chipotle Sauce
Bag of Pinto Beans
Can refried Pintos
Can refried Black Beans
Can Chipotles in Adobo
Pack of Mole Verde (or Green Mole sauce for us Anglos)

all up $53. I compared some of their prices to an old price list from 2001 and the Possible Side Effects and Insanity are actually cheaper now than they were back then!

the good news is that every bottle of sauce I checked out looked to be very fresh, no separation of extracts, no discolouration. the owners are Mexicans (I guess that explains their extensive Mexican range of goods) and very nice people. they also make tortillas in a separate part of their business.

they told me that soon they will be stocking some more lines, like Mad Dog.

a side note to the blender incident - when we went out to get a replacement, I wangled a Sunbeam stick mixer for making salsas, blending and also chilli powders (I only wanted a coffee/spice grinder and the beautiful chilliwoman suggested the stick mixer).

I've never had refried beans before so I don't know what to expect. I hope they are nice.

if anyone has any suggestions on how to cook/server chipotles in adobo sauce I'd love to hear from you as I have no idea what I'm going to do with them.

chilliman64 said:
I've never had refried beans before so I don't know what to expect. I hope they are nice.

Really? I guess the popularity of Mexican food in the US makes it seem like refried beans are a staple. When I make "Chile Bomb" poppers I use refried beans instead of regular beans because it's not only easier to stuff into a pepper, it stays there better.
Refried beans are good, but cooked beans are better.

Refritos are usually pinto or kidney beans...they are fine, but there's black beans, anasazi beans, pink beans, red beans and etc that all taste different.

You can cook any bean so that it can be stuffed in shells, you don't have to use refritos.
willard3 said:
Refried beans are good, but cooked beans are better.

Refritos are usually pinto or kidney beans...they are fine, but there's black beans, anasazi beans, pink beans, red beans and etc that all taste different.

You can cook any bean so that it can be stuffed in shells, you don't have to use refritos.

hello willard3, didn't know you were here

thanks for the tips dudes. Mexican isn't as popular here as it appears where you guys are, though jalapenos have certainly made a big impression here
who knows, there may be mullet II and III just around the corner. they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... how about imaguitargodtoo???
chilliman64 said:
who knows, there may be mullet II and III just around the corner. they say imitation is the sincerest form of flattery... how about imaguitargodtoo???
Oh no, nononono, both imaguitargod and mullet-man are copyrighted, no imitations will be tolerated. ;)
chilliman64 - any chance of getting to try your sauce. Im almost set here to try making my first batch, but haven't had much to aim for given the cr*p available around here.
shoot me a PM with ur address bentalphanerd, and i will send you a small bottle of my home made BBQ sauce with 100+ ornage habs in it ;) :onfire: :hell: :onfire:
bentalphanerd said:
chilliman64 - any chance of getting to try your sauce. Im almost set here to try making my first batch, but haven't had much to aim for given the cr*p available around here.

sure thing b-a-nerd, just shoot me your address and I'll send you 5oz's. I don't have any of my 'habasco' sauce at present, just some birdseye mash with all natural ingredients. if you want me to heat it up with some Mega Death (I've got a few extracts) I will, just let me know.

hey Flex, do you want a bottle too? same deal for you, shoot me a pm with your address and let me know if you want me to turn it into 'nuclear heat' or not.

I usually make just basic sauces as my missus isn't too keen on me changing the flavour of her meals too much so usually they just have mashed pods, vinegar/lemon/lime and salt. the habasco is awesomely hot and has burnt many consumers, much to my great delight. I went to the big fruit markets recently to get a box of habs and couldn't find any. hopefully by this time next year I will be sprinkling some 'nagasco' (nagabasco???) on my meals - maybe some 'fatalasco'...
