• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Ozzy2015 Glog

I hadn't had enough time to sit down and actually get this going but i figured better late than never.  I also want a way to document my season so if anything i can go back to reference good and bad things that happen.
I'll start with the grow list in no particular order:
Caribbean Red Hab (overwinter)
Jalapeno x Pepperoncini
Early Jalapeno
Purple Jalapeno
Carolina Reaper
Aji Pinapple
Aji Mango
Aji Limon
Chocolate Hab
Chocolate Bhut
Red Bhut
Large Red Bhut
Big Sun Hab
Unknown Brazilian
White Hab
Hot Lemon
TMS Yellow
Pimenta de Neyde
Sweet Cherry
Yellow Fatallii
Yellow Scotch Bonnet
MOA Scotch Bonnet
Chocolate Scotch Bonnet
Jamaican Hot Chocolate
Brazilian Starfish
Tequila Sunrise
7 Pot Yellow
7 Pot White
7 Pot Bubblegum
Mini Bell 
Large Orange Thai
Butch T
Naga Morich
Datil Red
Orange Hab
Big Jim
Chocolate Trinidad Scorpion
Purple Beauty Bell
Late Editions:
Bahemian Goat (Plant from Juanitos)
Jay's Peach (Juanitos)
Rocoto Turbo Yellow (Juanitos)
Rocoto Manzano Rojo (Juanitos)
Red Savina (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Golden Cayenne (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Chocolate 7Pot (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
Yellow Devil's Tongue (Chocolatescotchbonnet)
San Marzano
Sweet Basil
Thai Basil
Other Veggies:
Lettuce assortment
Also growing some various flowers for Mother's Day and for our deck.
Here's a picture of what i have going on in my basement.

as you can see I'm starting to run out of room.  I really need to cull down some of my plants but i have a lot of people around that I said I would dole out some plants.  Aside from that, there will be a local farmer's market starting up soon that I can take them to and try to sell some of them.  I really have a hard time throwing plants out.  
Very nice list, Jalapeno x peperchini sounds interesting. 
Remind me to so some trades with you this fall wouldn't mind adding aji mango next year. 
The Tequila sunrise is that the "Hot" version from ajijoe?
This weekend has been a good one so far.  I finally had time with my son's swimming season over, to start prepping for the upcoming growing season.
Here's the plot before tilling.

After the initial till

The soil here really isn't bad.  There are already lots of worms in the ground, but there is also a fair amount of clay.

I threw down a 1 1/2 yards of compost though

and tilled it in with my helper :)

She said she really wanted to help and even though i didn't really have anything for her to do, I wasn't about to discourage her.  Besides, I always enjoy help from somebody that's interested, especially my family.
All tilled up and ready for the worms to get back to munching.

D3monic said:
Very nice list, Jalapeno x peperchini sounds interesting. 
Remind me to so some trades with you this fall wouldn't mind adding aji mango next year. 
The Tequila sunrise is that the "Hot" version from ajijoe?
I'm anxious to try that cross as well.  I got that in a seed swap on Gardenweb.
Got the Mango from Judy.  I'll definitely be saving seeds from everything.
The sunrise were also from the Gardenweb swap so i'm not sure how hot they will be.  I had some pretty hot ones last year that I would have saved some seeds from but we were moving and I ran out of time.  They were really tasty in salsa's.

I'm hoping to get some compost bins built tomorrow.  I also have a rain barrel that I need to get hooked up to the guttering on our garage.  We'll see how it goes though because I have about a million other things I want to do tomorrow as well.  Still have a lot of leaves that I want to get chopped up and piled up.  Also need to reseed the yard where moles tore it up so I actually have some grass again.  I'll have to get the grubs under control.  Apparently the grubs run around in the roots of our huge oak trees right around the drip line because that's where the moles tore up the yard the most.  We've only been in this house since August so I'll get everything figured out around here after awhile. 

One of the Aji Mango plants is growing strange too.  I'm thinking it must have been damaged and I didn't see it when it was a seedling.  It's like it split right at the base.  
Here's a side by side

and a close up of the runt
yea looks like it got accidentally topped or something early. In the pic it seems to be forking right at the cotyledons. My only hot tequila sunrise is growing really goofy too. I'll get a pic of it in a bit. 
Not as goofy as that aji mango but nothing symmetrical about it either. 
i have a Hot Lemon plant that is the same way as well

D3monic said:
yea looks like it got accidentally topped or something early. In the pic it seems to be forking right at the cotyledons. My only hot tequila sunrise is growing really goofy too. I'll get a pic of it in a bit. 
Not as goofy as that aji mango but nothing symmetrical about it either. 
was it really slow to grow at first too?  I know that mango and this hot lemon were light years behind the others.  I almost threw them out but I wasn't cramped for room then.
Best of luck this season ozzy the aji mango sounds interesting I got aji melocoton and dulce Sol but I pretty much roached the dulce Sol on a transplanting learning lesson .
I decided to do it all outside when it was sunny and in the 70s with a breeze will the seedlings got sun and wind damage and I got sunburned .
I have learned my lesson.
I've lost some but most I think will come out of it .
I like your list looks like you are well on your way I am going to be doing more sowing soon
Hope you get those grubs under control and there not Japanese Beatles
Ozzy2001 said:
i have a Hot Lemon plant that is the same way as well
was it really slow to grow at first too?  I know that mango and this hot lemon were light years behind the others.  I almost threw them out but I wasn't cramped for room then.
Yea it's way behind all the others. It has white tape on the front so had to of been in my first few plantings. I switched to silver marker after my first two trays worth. 
My friend that is a nice spot of ground you have and a killer list. Got a pic of the new ground I m starting wouldn't want to jump your post so I'll pm you the joke. Looking forward to seeing your garden this season and wish ya all the best.
robbyjoe01 said:
My friend that is a nice spot of ground you have and a killer list. Got a pic of the new ground I m starting wouldn't want to jump your post so I'll pm you the joke. Looking forward to seeing your garden this season and wish ya all the best.
Feel free to post. Doesn't bother me. And yes that was a joke in that pic.

My conscious got the best of me today and I usually live by if you're not going to do it don't bother. I wasn't satusfied with the tilling yesterday and knew that the soil was too compacted with all the clay so I forked everything to turn it over and I'm going to throw in some gypsum in later.

You can also see the compost bin that I got started. Need to add a lid and some material. I also got some of the bigger babies outside today to catch some real rays and air.


It was such a nice weekend. Going to grill some burgers and sit on the deck in a little while.
Pre grilling cigar
That garden soil looks good.  Have you check ph?  I'm cutting in peat since my ph is always high...and no freaking pine fines. 
:welcome:  to growlogosphere 2015!
Looks good; great to have room for a nice in-ground grow.
As for the Aji Mango, sometimes plants just fork at the cotys.  
I have a JA Red Habanero that did that this season, and it is
an awesome plant, two stout stalks and very healthy.  Should
make an awesomer bush.
There's a good grow you got going in your basement Scott, nicely done.
And good work on a future garden, the soil seems nice and I bet the peppers will love it.
I finally got the Aerogarden up and running last night.  Started up 4 new seeds courtesy of Chocolatescotchbonnet.  

Red Savina
Golden Cayenne
Chocolate 7 Pot 
Yellow Devil Tongue
Trying to clone my Caribbean Red Hab 
And lastly a cutting off of a shrub that I like for the fun of it.
I can't wait until these Caribbean Red Habs start growing normally on my over winter

Well, I have all my ingredients for my 5-1-1 mix. The pine bark fines are hard tom come by here so I bought pine bark mulch and sifted out the really big stuff.

The big stuff

I think what got sifted out will work pretty well.

Rigged up a sifter by wiring two pieces of chicken wire up.

Ran out of time though so I'll mix up some of it in the next few days.
Also grilled up some dinner.

Mixed up some Habs in some sauce with some ginger, garlic, lime, orange, and cilantro. Yum.